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Honored Social Butterfly


Good morning to everyone on this 6th morning of December 2023.
Happy Birthday to all of our December Birthday members.
I turned 80 on December 1st


Winners are not people who never fail, but people who never quit and above all who learn from their mistakes. Be a winner this December.”



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

We had some much needed rain this morning along with a thunderstorm.

We have a few trees that are changing colors. Have a great Fall and enjoy some pumpkin coffee and bars.





Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Trusted Social Butterfly

Good Morning, Porch Peeps,

We're coming off of a nasty weekend. Rain and wind constantly. Looks like the sun may not be back until Wednesday though. 😾 If I stand still, I may grow moss on my North side! 😺


@DaveMcK ...I did order some Headless Horseman Pumpkin Spice coffee. It's the only one I've found that has a dark roast. The others all seem so watery.

Also picked up some pumpkin muffins at the store yesterday. Haven't tried them yet, but they look good.


You all take care and stay safe!

Love the name of the company!Love the name of the company!


Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Game on! GO BIRDS!GO BIRDS!


Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/16/23)


Dave  @DaveMcK   , do YOU have any LIGHTHOUSES in YOUR location?🤔


Nicole 🙃

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

Yes! It is at the locks here in Madison, Wisconsin between two lakes.



Posted by Dave the Lighthouse Keeper
Honored Social Butterfly

@Fall2024inVA , in answer to your question about the kids' names -- when mom and her two kids first showed up, Mom was just an ordinary striped tabby and I said she looks like a Wilma.  My neighbor/co-caretaker said she had an aunt named Willie Mae, and I said, "Perfect! That's even better!"  Her two kids looked nothing like her -- little long-haired fluffheads.  One was gray with white and the other looked like a Maine Coon.  Someone remarked that the mom had "designer kitties".  We were pretty sure the gray one was a male.  (It was hard trying to figure out if the kids were male or female with their floof and it's not like they let you pick them up and do an inspection.)  We had the most luck coaxing the gray one out with wand toys and treats.  I remarked we should call the gray designer kitty  Armani, but my neighbor said she was always calling him Curious George.  And Giorgio he became.  The mini-MC lookalike was shy and a lot harder to get out, but we were pretty sure she must be a female, so she became Stella.  Stella ended up being the first one we trapped and got fixed, and surprise! she was a 'he'.  Stella became Stellar.


A couple of years later, enter the black cat.  My neighbor liked the name Armani, so Armani he became.  So what if we had two cats named after the same designer. 😁


But as I type this, we have not seen Armani for 2 days and we are worried. 🙁  Armani is vocal and always shows up to eat and for treats at night and to torment Willie Mae on late walkabouts and pee breaks.  


@LaDolceVita , a 19 year-old pup!  Wow!  Hope she recovers from her UTI.


@catwoman500 , I saw a picture of the capture.  That dog looked quite proud as he stood by the guy lying on the ground.  Glad that's over.  Maybe we will eventually see it all on ID Channel.


Not too long ago, a black bear cub was treed at a busy intersection here.  The sheriff department/animal control was on scene, not to rescue the cub, but to keep the gawkers away.  I know moms often tree their cubs for safety, and eventually, the cub came down.  So much construction and clearing going on around here, it's sad.


@Frozenoem , glad you're getting your meds, they're not buried until spring, and they seem to be working.  Getting old isn't for sissies.


Now, I need to go finish packing.  Heading to Gatlinburg and the Great Smokies tomorrow to meet up with my sister and brothers and families.  Haven't seen some of them since pre-Covid.  Should be fun, but not looking forward to the drive. 🚗😒



Trusted Social Butterfly

@MsStretch ...Yes, the hero canine cop, Yoda, brought the guy down after the heat sensor located him. 

The governor said he was going to do his best to replace the stolen Eagles shirt the captured guy was wearing with a new Kelly-green Eagles shirt if they find out who it was stolen from. 😸

Trusted Social Butterfly

@catwoman500  You lead a very exciting life it seems to me, even though you may not think so.  You have recently been followed by the Men In Black or at least the People in Black!  You have access to enormous sandwiches and now reports of wildlife!👽.  Oh yeah historic sites too!😀.


@Fall2024inVA  My busy friend, you make me wish I had more time to share stuff online.  I spend much less time online than I used to, more busy with chores than I would like.  Plus I am making a big push to get in shape again.  I have not exercised for 6 years because of mom's illness.  I strained my back and it has slowed me down for now but I just keep plugging, mostly with yoga and small spurts of aerobics.


@Frozenoem I hope you get better and better, it has been a long haul for you.  I hope you will be able to hike this spring again.  Or is that a no no in Maine?


@MsStretch  Hope you had a lovely trip to Gatlinburg.  I bet traffic is really bad in the area.  My first trip to the Smokies we visited Gatlinburg, last few times stayed in Pigeon Forge. It has been a long time since I visited there, my grandmother and stepfather were with us the last time.  I love Cades Cove.

Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/15/23)


Froze @Frozenoem , Maine is beautiful, hope no serious damage is done.


When I was younger, had thought of moving there.


Seems like Hurricanes are everywhere! 😱


Nicole 😎

Honored Social Butterfly


Tried coastal Maine in log cabin 1/2 mile from ocean, on Narraguagus River. That didn’t agree with me. Ocean breezes in downeast Maine very bad.

Went back to mountains it was warmer even in blizzards.Dry air is great, moisture laden not so much.


There’s more to Maine than the coast, thankfully😎

Shirt sleeve weather is 30* here, the coast I need flannel or wool sweater at 30* there.Dry air good, moisture laden very bad.Only remember 2 weeks of high temps on the 80’s on coast, the rest of the time was flannel to take the chill out of the air.





And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/14/23)


Good question @catwoman500 ! 👍


Froze @Frozenoem , is Hurricane Lee going to/is AFFECTING you? 🤔


Nicole 😎

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly




Considering most visitors to my yard - moose, deer, bear and lynx, bobcats. I like fox they used to be visitors to camp and house, my dogs always always enjoyed their runs with or after them.Luckily never caught them, and voice recall worked.


As a rule of thumb they only go after people or domesticated animals if diseased. If you see them roaming in town blame it on climate change or houses being built up around there normal range.

If they come to greet you back away , that might be strange.



Still waiting for a weather update, might get winds or rain bands, like a wet nor’easter.Everything’s a crap shoot until Sunday when it passes, and aims for Canada.


Luckily my mountains should keep me safe.The older folks only remember one hurricane hitting up here.The coast is a different story, the CAT to Canada won’t be running until Monday, boats are out in Portland harbor, and all loose items in yards are secured. 

About the only thing I see are clouds coming in thickly at 66* today. And local power companies are suggesting prepare to hunker down until Monday if outages occur. No problem always do😎.


Grinding my beans, my outdoor furniture is in. Picnic tape is heavy and pressure treated, and can handle 100 mph winds.I have backup power in a Bluetti battery pack 2000Watts.Should be fine, knock on wood.


If power goes I can cook on camp stove or wood.All pills are working as advertised, with no side effects.👍😎



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/13/23)


Lol Froze @Frozenoem 🤣😂


Yes, coffee Time!!! 👍


Nicole 😎

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey, Peeps,

Was up early today to go out for breakfast with friends. So, at 6:30 AM I open the front door and see a red fox trotting up the street. You just never know what wildlife you'll see in the early morning around here. Less than a minute later a woman comes by walking a little dog, so I called out to her to be careful. Usually, foxes don't want to bother you, but this was a small dog, and a friend of mine had a fox approach when she was walking her small dog, so you can't be too careful. 

A couple of weeks ago I saw some scat outside my door and wasn't sure what animal deposited it. It didn't look exactly like a cat's business. Yesterday morning there were some feathers mashed into the asphalt, so I'm thinking maybe a fox made that visit last week? @Frozenoem ...what say you on foxes?

My good friends who live in the woods about 45 min from me haven't had a bear problem in years after taking down their bird feeders, but last week they found bear scat in their yard and then a few days later a good-sized bear was strolling in their yard. 

That's about it for wildlife stories for today although I did hear a young hawk a while ago.

Hope no one gets into trouble with Hurricane Lee. @Frozenoem careful!



Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/13/23)


Dear Froze @Frozenoem , I am SO SORRY you are going through all this!!! 😤


Gosh, wish I had a Magic Wand to make you better....


Nicole 🤗🤗🤗

Honored Social Butterfly

Have finally used two hands to type after 6 month impression of Michael J. Fox, and only using my right hand to type or voice commands👍.

 Time for coffee and recoveries.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/13/23)


Thanks for responding @LaDolceVita ! 🙃


Poor Baby, let me know what the vet says.


I HATE taking pills and GRATEFUL my multi for OLD LADIES 🙄 come in gummies 💃


Nicole 😎

Honored Social Butterfly


I am polite to med. Staff, I had to switch to Greek, sounds nothing like English. Have broken too many bones to avoid colorful language.


Tried to make it 4 hours away for a house call in Jackman, ME, made it an hour in vehicle and needed to phone a friend with Cessna for the remainder of trip and back. In the words of my late 99 year old mother, really using best pain relief known to anyone today pain free👍👍.


PT has begun and hopefully will work , as long as I can move without pain, and other meds work for all issues👍. So far very good😎, and my mind is functioning. A plus when recovery is needed for those using Windows and Mac’s with erased drives, courtesy of malware and Trojans .


Heck even I get nervous when using Teminal like DoS for Mac’s.So just another day in Paradise in Maine. Customer gets his hdd’s back whenever he can pickup, his lower back hasn’t been broken yet!😎


Presently 62* and raining, with Hurricane Lee vs Mainer Lee, saying HI, don’t feel like a sledge is hitting my spine. Improvement. Now, come weekend I should know how all med’s work, during the arrival or pass of Lee.😎



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/13/23)


THANKS @DaveMcK 💃💃💃


Hello NicoleW439658
DaveMcK thinks your post is awesome and just gave you kudos!

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@catwoman500  The strange things which can happen in the Philly burbs!   That is actually hair-raising.  @Fall2024inVA   I have a Tessie,a Ginger,  a Snoopy, and they are also known as #1 dog, #2 dog, #3 dog respectively.  That is so they don't wake up and start anything when they hear their names.  That is all I can fess up to for now.


BTW I took the 19 year old dog to the vet for UTI, bloodwork shows her to be quite well other wise.  None of that kidney failure older dogs are prone to.  Can't give her the antibiotics though as she barfs and then acts puny.   Cannot have a 19 year od puny dog, they fall and cry.  Must check with vet.

Honored Social Butterfly

(1 comment) ⚠️CORRECTION (9/13/23)


*** Now it says article currently unavailable 🙄 ***


@catwoman500    , is this who you were talking about 🤔


Extremely Dangerous Escaped Pennsylvania Inmate Behind Bars | 1290 WJNO | Florida News

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Trusted Social Butterfly

@Fall2024inVA ...Yep, they got him about an hour ago. Thank goodness since the rifle he stole had a scope and a light on it. Thinking maybe the storms we had last night helped slow him down. Two weeks! What a slippery eel he is. 

Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/11/23)


Now, now Froze @Frozenoem - you got to be NICE to your Medical Team. 🙄


I bet they just LUV YOU!!!/lol 😂🤣


Nicole 😎

Trusted Social Butterfly

Good morning, Peeps!

Nice morning here so far in the Philly burbs except for the idiot walking a dog at 6:45 AM that howled, and I mean HOWLED outside my bedroom window.

All I know is I woke up involuntarily spewing colorful language. And when it happened again 5 seconds later, I this time purposely yelled, "Get a hamster." Didn't know I could be that creative only seconds after being awake.

I love dogs, but c'mon. Have a feeling it was the guy 2 doors up that has 2 of what look like actual hound dogs like in the movie A Christmas Story...the Bumpus hounds that ate Ralphie's family's Christmas turkey.

I did go back to sleep eventually, but don't want to be rudely awakened like that again!

Working on second cup of coffee.


So, it's day 13 of the escaped murderer not being caught. Geez Louise! Was shot at last night when he entered someone's garage and stole a rifle and ammo. Homeowner was in the garage at the time. Unfortunately, the homeowner didn't get a target shot.

Schools in that area are closed down again. Police keep saying they are getting close. You know what they say about "close." No cigar! 😾


You all enjoy your day! 😺

Trusted Social Butterfly

Hey there, Porch Peeps!


@DaveMcK ...Belated Happy Anniversary!


@Frozenoem ...Clink! Sounds good. I'll stick to coffee today.


@MsStretch ...Congrats on the Commander's win yesterday. Both the Commanders and the Eagles kinda squeaked by with close scores, but a win is a win! 🏈


@Fall2024inVA ...who'd have thunk a cat would turn up his nose at tuna. Maybe he's not a fan of mayo? 😸


@LaDolceVita ...yeah that sandwich was something else entirely! Will be going out to lunch on Wednesday. Sure hope this new place has normal size portions. 😺


Here's a story for you guys...Last Friday I went to the bank. Parked and was getting out of the car when this HUGE all black RV pulls along the side and takes up about 5 parking spots. I didn't think much other than..."weird." Then a guy gets out and is walking around using his phone. Locked my car and looked up to see about 15-18 people all dressed in black and some white, getting out of the RV. They all started walking towards the bank and I'm thinking, YIKES! What is this? I'm not waiting for all these people to shuffle in, so I said, "Excuse me," and walked between the crowd they had formed in front of the door. I go in and am greeted by the bank other customers are in the bank. I go up to the teller and he asks how I am, and I say..."Not sure...have you seen what's outside?" All the bank employees look up and I wish I had a photo of their faces when they saw all those people outside. It was priceless. Shock, concern, fright???? In this day and age, you NEVER know what will happen on a normal day.

Oh, by the way, the hoard of people were speaking a foreign language...possibly Russian.

So, my teller must have pushed the magic button under the counter because a manager comes out from the back and heads to the crowd which by this time has made it into the building. She asks them if they want to use the ATM, and the head guy must have said yes. So, she tells them there is one outside also, but he declines that suggestion. She asks them if they are traveling, and he must have said yes. So, I'm now thinking that they must have just arrived in the US and need American money, but it was just such an odd thing to happen.

I leave, go to Fresh Market, and by the time I'm finished shopping and loading my bags into my car, the RV is just pulling away from the bank. It must have taken a long time for each of those people to use the ATM.


That was enough excitement for the day for me.

Now we have an escaped murderer still on the loose after 12 days in the next county.


Never a dull moment!

You all hang in there!


Honored Social Butterfly



Afraid it will be coffee and Jameson, as meds are being changed again, I know the reactions.PT will be a blast and expletive laden.


They’ve been warned.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/10/23)


Froze @Frozenoem , I saw in OTHER forums where you had a dog??? 🐶


I am "presuming" you NO longer have any pets? 🤔


Nicole 🙄

Honored Social Butterfly

No dogs or cat for the moment, subject to change whenever all parts and pieces function with their human. My last 3 were Dutch Shepherds, high energy with Zoomies to 40 mph. My last Chelli was a foster for training, who had to move along to VA after my heart stopped functioning correctly. 

Aw shucks just remembered the date, 10/11/01 I came out of retirement for the first time.


Think I’ll setup PT, and call a friend who scared the ever loving out of his brother and me , for 2 weeks when he dropped off planet on 9/11. This may be a

Jameson day.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Honored Social Butterfly

@catwoman500 , let the games begin! 🏈 Hard to believe it's that time already.  I see your Eagles got the Patriots and the Commanders get to go up against those other birds, the Cardinals.  New vibe around the DMV area with the new owners.  Fans are excited again.  For the first time in years, the Commanders' first game is sold out.  Good luck with your team.


@Fall2024inVA , TNR stands for "Trapped, Neutered, & Released".  Their left ear is tipped to indicate they have been fixed.  Our kids also have green dot tattoos on their bellies which of course you can't see nor is anyone going to take a feral, 'wild' cat and try to rub their bellies to see if they're tattooed.  A tipped ear is more visible, but I assume if a cat makes it to the vet to be fixed, the green tattoo is a back-up indicator when their bellies are shaved.


Giorgio is a tripper-upper, too.  He runs from foot to foot as you're trying to shuffle along. 😖

Honored Social Butterfly

1 comment (9/9/23)


Guess Who Was Begging TONIGHT!


Mr. No Name is usually fed his Cat Food by an old lady in our neighborhood. He is a stray left behind when his humans moved last year. Refuses to be inside, we have tried. He is fixed and luvs belly rubs.


Well for the 1st time, he followed me home after I took my trash to dumpster and got my mail.


I guess Mom forgot to feed him.


So I dumped some of my Tuna Salad in his bowl on her porch.


Well Mr. Does Not Eat All Brands Of Cat Food "sniffed" it and walked away.


Lol, he is a HOT MESS.


Has the Old Lady wrapped around his paws. 🤣😂


It is late, so I didnot want to knock on her door.


Oh well, he will either get hungry enough to eat the tuna or wait until Mom feeds him I guess tomorrow.



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