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Official Rules for 2015 New Year's Resolution Contest

AARP New Year’s Resolution Contest Rules


2. Am I Eligible to Participate? The AARP New Year’s Resolution Contest (the "Contest") is open to legal residents of the United States and the District of Columbia who are 21 years or older at the time of entry and who are registered and participating in the AARP Online Community Forums. Employees of AARP, and the immediate family members of, and any persons domiciled with, any such employees, are not eligible to enter or to win. The term "immediate family members" includes spouses, parents, siblings, children and grandchildren. In addition, individuals who have won a contest or sweepstakes in the AARP online community within the past calendar year shall not be eligible for a prize.

3. How Do I Enter? The Contest begins at midnight EST on Wednesday, December 31, 2014, and ends at 11:59 p.m. (EST) on Saturday, January 31, 2015 (the "Contest Period"). To enter, you must (a)register online to join the AARP Online Community during the Contest Period; and then (b) post an entry in the community forums contest feature throughout the Contest Period. Be sure to complete all of the required information and follow instructions for submitting your registration.

4. Posts may not contain material that is sexually explicit, disparaging, libelous, indecent, obscene or otherwise inappropriate, as determined by Sponsor and Judges in their sole discretion. The use of automated entries or programs or entries submitted by third parties is prohibited and such entries will be disqualified.To be eligible for the prize you must post on the community during the contest period. All entries will become the property of Sponsor and will not be acknowledged or returned. Sponsor shall have the right to edit, adapt and publish any or all of the Contest posts and may use them in any media without compensation to the entrant or any other person or entity. Sponsor will not be responsible for incomplete, lost, late, misdirected or illegible entries or for failure to receive entries due to transmission failures or technical failures of any kind. All entries become property of Sponsor and none will be returned.

5. What Could I Win? Three Prizes Awarded: There will be three entries chosen as the winners. Each winner will win a $100 gift card. Please note: To be eligible for a prize you must post on the community contest during the contest period (December 31, 2014 – January 31, 2015).

6. How Will the Winner Be Selected? All posts of eligible entries will be judged by AARP (the "Judge"). Prize: The winner will be selected based on his/her posts in accordance with the following criteria ("Criteria"): (1) creativity (10%) and (2) capture the theme of the Contest (90%).

7. When Will the Winner Be Notified? The potential winner will be notified on or about 48 hours after the selection via e-mail and/or AARP online community message center. Sponsor's inability to reach Winner, the return of any prize notification as undeliverable and/or Winner's failure to respond to a prize notification within 48 hours may result in his/her disqualification, the forfeiture of all interest in the prize, and the selection of a substitute winner from among all remaining eligible entries.

8. What Other Terms Apply? Winner may waive his/her right to receive prize. With Sponsor's approval the Prize may be assignable. No substitutions allowed by Winner. The Prize is subject to availability and Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize of equal or greater value. Winner is solely responsible for payment of any taxes on prizes. Winner will be required to complete an affidavit of eligibility, and a liability and publicity release (except where prohibited by law), which must be returned within fourteen (14) days of date of personal delivery or sender's postmark. Failure to timely sign and return the affidavit or release, or to comply with any term or condition of these Official Rules, may result in the Winner's disqualification, the forfeiture of his/her interest in the prize, and the award of the prize to a substitute winner. Except where prohibited, acceptance of a prize constitutes Winner's consent to the Sponsor's publication of his/her name, biographical information and likeness in any media for any commercial or promotional purpose, without limitation or further compensation. By participating, contestants agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor and Contest Judge, which shall be final in all respects. Sponsor reserves the right to disqualify persons found tampering with or otherwise abusing any aspect of this Contest. In the event the fairness or proper administration of the Contest is compromised by a virus, tampering or other cause beyond the reasonable control of Sponsor, Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to suspend, modify or terminate the Contest. All users should seek expert financial advice and consult their own tax advisers or financial planners for any specific financial issues.

9. Who Is the Sponsor? The Contest is sponsored by AARP. Sponsor will not be responsible for typographical, printing or other inadvertent errors in these Official Rules or in other materials relating to the Contest.


10. How Can I Request the Winner's Name? To find out the winner's name, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: "AARP New Year’s Resolution Contest," Online Community Team, AARP 601 E. Street, Washington, DC, 20049. Requests must be received by February 15, 2015.

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