AARP Eye Center
I've had AARP/UHC Medigap Plan N since soon after I turned 65 in 2019. I decided to look at what it would cost if I was applying today (on the UHC sales website), and I was FLOORED by what I saw, in a way that makes me angry and full of ill will toward UHC, *and* toward AARP for endorsing it. When I saw that the premium for someone turning 65 today was a good deal *lower* than what they started me at, I thought "what's going on?" Then I looked further and found that the discount system has become MUCH more favorable toward new enrollees than it was toward us unfortunate souls that joined earlier.
When I joined, the "been this way 'forever', nicely predictable" system was that at age 65 you start out with a 36% discount from the community-wide premium, and then each year you lose 3 points of that discount, so that at age 66 your discount would be reduced to 33%, and thus your effective premium would go up. And by age 77 the discount would be fully depleted.
Well, looking at the discount schedule a new 65 year old enrollee would get *today*, it starts at 45% (already a lot higher than 36%!), and then, starting at age 68 (instead of 66) goes down every year -- *but*, only by *2* points per year instead of 3! Someone enrolling today would still have over 25% discount at age 77, when mine will already be totally gone! Here I am paying an exorbitant premium, while a new enrollee will have a much lower one -- ongoing. (To add a nice dash of insult to injury, for new enrollees the monthly EFT discount is now $4, instead of the $2 I get.)
I'm really disgusted by this bait-n-switch on the discount schedule. So much for AARP/UHC's "commitment" to fairness and consistency, and "concern" about helping Seniors deal with the cost of living.
Here is a snip from a pdf on how the discount schedule works for someone enrolling *today* (I don't see a way to attach the full pdf). Be sure to read the footnote:
And again, look at how VERY much MORE generous the above, current, schedule is than the discount schedule from when I enrolled in March, 2019, and that I am STUCK with if I stay with AARP/UHC:
Oh, great! I just verified Jason94’s claim. So people who choose a UHC Medicare Supplement today are basically guaranteed a much slower yearly increase in net premium than us dupes who bought “the only plan endorsed by AARP” before? I should kick myself for buying into your lies about AARP watching out for the financial well-being and fair treatment of seniors. In truth, it appears the $$$ you earn for your endorsement of the UHC plan all you care about in reality. IOW, the “endorsement” is meaningless. Unfortunately I probably wouldn’t qualify to switch to a different company’s supplement today, but I would have if I had known about this underhanded tactic a few years ago. I used to defend AARP to those who berated it for what I thought were unfounded or unjustified claims. Thanks for nothing, AARP! And thanks for nothing, UHC — you could have made an adjustment to allowed those who signed up for their supplements in the past to share in some of the more-favorable yearly-discount schedule that new customers (the only ones you and AARP apparently care about) will enjoy ongoing.
"I downloaded AARP Perks to assist in staying connected and never missing out on a discount!" -LeeshaD341679