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Intrusive Medicare Insurance AARP United Healthcare

I keep getting calls from United Healthcare to push me to their online pharmacy and to allow them to come to my home for a "House call" to consult on my health and care options. WHAT!!! I have a primary care provider...the last thing I want is an insurance company sending their doc here to butt into my care....I understand this is done so they can raise your risk score and get paid more by Medicare...I dont like United Healthcare's approach and will look for a less intrusive insurer next year. Curious as to whether anyone else has been repeatedly contacted by them.

Periodic Contributor

If you examine how things work with these AARP endorsed plans, you will find they have the same goal as any other: make a profit, and that profit comes from us. They don't make that profit through decisions that cost them money. I just stopped at Walgreens to pick up a prescription for an infected ear drum. I was informed by the pharmacist that it was on hold for "prior authorization" by my AARP/Medicare Rx Walgreens plan. I could expect a 72 hour hold, and even then they might not approve it. Can you get any more INSTRUSIVE into your care than that? In the meantime, the infection can spread. I asked who was holding it up since it was a Walgreens policy, and couldn't he do anything about it? He informed me that they have nothing to do with the insurance. Are they simply the location where AARP insurance partner, United Health Care, steers customers for the biggest profit sharing deals between them? I got home to a notice that as of Jan 1, United Health Care would be doubling what I pay for one of my daily meds. It's not like they paid a whole lot in the first place. Let's face it - If we're all buying into the 'AARP' label thinking we're getting an ally in our insurance dealings, we've all got another think coming. It's just marketing, and we're the targets. Thankfully, I've still got a week until the DEC 7 deadline to change insurers. They may not be any better, but I'll feel better not rewarding the three parties involved in this decision.

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Honored Social Butterfly

We have a for profit medical treatment system so profit drives everything.

Did you call your drug plan about the hold at thel ocal Walgreens. If not you should have. I had the samne type of thing happen to me a few months ago with a drug. I called my plan and found out it was the local Walgreens that caused the problem by not following the rules and the pharmacist di not tell me the truth.

If you want to end the profit system then go for Medi Care for all which would have one set of rules for all, and profit would not be the main goal.

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@KD779389 sounds like you have an "Advantage" plan, AKA managed care.


The folks calling you are doing what they are supposed to do . . . find ways to save the carrier's money. That's why they are called MANAGED care.


The only way to get away from it is to leave a managed care plan and, IF YOU CAN QUALIFY, go on original Medicare and a supplement plan.



Bark less. Wag more.

Thanks somarco. Good to have an industry perspective on that.

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