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Honored Social Butterfly

Wed Jan 1st Welcome To the Bonus Game !

Hi Everyone, Happy 2020 ! miliannie was our Winner last night, so Welcome to the 1st Bonus Game of the New Year !

 We are playing>946d45d5-1490-46ea-a859-60c187e3fd5c_Medium.jpg A New Year's Toast !


B-8  B-13  N-39  N-43


I-16  I-25  G-54  G-60


O-63  O-70  I-30  G-48


N-31  O-66  B-1  N-36


Good Luck, Here's to a happy stress free new year !, Jen

Honored Social Butterfly

I'm off to a poor start for this game, good thing there are a couple of more days.


Good luck to everyone.

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Recognized Social Butterfly

Congrats to miliannie for her win. Happy 2020 everyone. My kitties and I survived the fireworks with only one incident.
When the fireworks started I went outside to calm down the feral kitties I have and they went into the kitty house where I have a heater and a cozy mats for them and I went inside and calmed my kitties.
Then at 3 a.m. we were woken up with a loud explosion and it shook my windows. My kitties inside disappeared under the bed, and when I went outside the outdoor ones were up against my back door, so I got them into the garage where I also have sleeping places for them, and that settled them down.
I went back outside and found out that the idiot behind me decided to put a firework inside his barbecue and closed the lid, and I will let you guess what happened. Some of his grill landed in my yard. I was worried that some of the cinders may have got on the roof of my house but the firemen checked it out and gave it a thumbs up.
Yes he was injured but not critical but he probably didn't feel much because he was drunk. That is how my New Year went.
You all take care see you all tomorrow.
Charonanne E Kading
Regular Social Butterfly

Ha, ha! prisonnurse, your story is hilarious. I know it wasn't so for you,. Please forgive me for rolling on the floor laughing. The imagery of your story is like from The 3 stooges or Laurel and Hardy. Classic comedy script!

We went to bed around 9 pm and slept right through the midnight County fireworks happening over the beach about 1/4 mile away. I read this as a good omen that we'll have a peaceful 2020. (Either that or our hearing is becoming more and more selective.)

Happy 2020 to all. May the 2nd decade of the millennium years be kinder to our troubled world.

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Honored Social Butterfly

Congratulations to miliannie🎉 Happy 2020 everyone 🎉🎊🍾 I got a few numbers but none of them match up.

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