AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone. cool and breezy here.
ladyfox58 was our Winner last night, so we start the Bonus Game, We are playing > Letter E.
Here are the numbers for tonight>
G-57 G-54 I-19 I-25
B-15 B-3 N-31 N-41
O-62 O-70 B-11 I-30
Good Luck, I'll be back soon, Jen
Good morning everyone. I made it here, last night I went to Bible Studies and by the time I got home I was too tired to get my numbers.
Like everyone has said I am glad we have a few more nights because my cards is not doing good.
Today I am going to see my oldest son who is in town for a visit, but don't know if I am going to my other son's for supper or they are coming here, as my youngest still has not informed his mama.
Today I also have to do some housecleaning of which I have put off, and now with Easter it has to get done.
I can smell my coffee, so it is time to give my body a wake up call. See you all sometime tonight, stay safe and healthy today.
I'm glad we have two more days since my board is looking very anemic. I am tired tonight, got a lousy nights sleep last night then today I did my laundry which included stripping my bed and cleaning up tons of dog hair under it and behind it. Now don't think I don't clean under my bed, I sleep on a daybed which means it has to be pulled out from the wall and also the extra spring needs to come out from under then you can get the dog hair out, it's a lot of work.
Good luck everyone in the bonus game.
E for Easter. Of course! I was thinking of B for Bunny. E is never an easy bonus game. So, I'm glad we have 2 more days of called numbers, as pointed out by our "SassiOne".
OMG, pulling out the bed etc. is hard work! I can barely lift my bed mattress for the weekly sheet change. The Japanese have a different bedding system. In my 20s I slept on their tatami bed while staying at a ryokan (traditional Japanese inn). Don't know if I can bend down that low and sleep on a "mattress" that thin now. But I think I can still lift their tatami bedding.
Congratulations @ladyfox58! My card is hardly looking like the letter “E”. It was in the 50’s here today but there is a Winter Storm Advisory for tonight and tomorrow. They are calling for 3-6” of snow. 😳
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