AARP Eye Center
Hi Everyone, We had 3 Winners last night, convertiblegal, SassiLady, and Mary Riley, We start the Bonus Game. We are playing the Letter O.
Here are the numbers for tonight>
I-28 I-17 B-9 B-15
N-32 N-37 G-49 G-55
O-73 O-61 B-1 I-24
Good Luck, I'll be back soon to check, Jen
Still using my dumb phone, I seem to have crashed my PC, shopping for a new one. Didn't get my stress test done yesterday so am now going at 7:30 in the morning. I must be dumb as I didn't know decaf tea still has some caffeine in it, and I had a cup in the am and they couldn't do it.
Good luck everyone.
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