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Honored Social Butterfly

Mon June 3rd Welcome To Bingo Game 531

Hi Everyone, Hope you all had a nice weekend, A pretty nice day here, no rain..yay !

Here are your numbers for tonight>


B-4  N-37  I-16  G-48  O-67


I-22  G-46  O-72  N-41  B-7


O-74  N-33  B-8


Good Luck, I'll check back in a bit, Jen

Honored Social Butterfly

Only 4 and kind of scattered so it's a wait and see game.

I still haven't ventured out to the pool, too darn hot. The other day when we hit 99 the water temperature was 93. No way am I swimming in a 93 degree pool, that isn't even refreshing, almost hot enough to call it a hot tub.

Good luck everyone.

Regular Social Butterfly

A promising new start. Will not celebrate yet.

Our famous trade winds are back, rendering the sun more tolerable.
Esteemed Social Butterfly

A slow start but it's the beginning of the week...gotta let those numbers to heat up ...It's been a great day weather-wise...a little windy but that's ok...I had some electrical work done in the house..a couple of outlets had to be replaced in the kitchen for safety sake...Now on to a new range hood and ceiling fan..It never ends get one thing done and another pops up...I'm trying a new hamburger dish hopefully it will come out ok...
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