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Who really monitors the music that is played at our stores? The FCC or the FTA?

I am not sure who is really in charge of monitoring the music in our stores and restaurants.  One time I have written a complaint to the FCC about Walgreens and someone at the FCC office in Washington told me that it is the job of the FTC to handle that.  And when I wrote them, nothing happened.  Is it that if the FCC fines the stores for playing sexualy explicit materiel, they would end up getting sued for it?   I thought that the indecency law covers anything that broadcasts anything in public.  I even got an email from Kaldi's about the music and they deny breaking any indecency laws.  I am tempted to creata a petitioin aimed at both Kaldi's, Walgreens and CVS Pharmacy and send the unsigned petitions to nursing homes and have all of the seniors sign these petitions to get the high ups to straighten up.  I am tempted to take a bus to Kaldi's Coffee in St. Louis and tell them what i think about their lying.  

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