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Periodic Contributor

Early boomers (b 1946-1952)

I'd like to make connections with other early boomers (Age 68-74) who were colored/changed by the 60s. Would especially like to make contact with any writers in this cadre.

My thesis is we are special. Or, at least, different. I have tried to explore that in some of my writing. I think we have a different attitude toward life. These last few years and Covid have brought some of those differences to the fore. It's something I'd like to talk about. Let me know. I could be up in the night with my own special conceit.

Dennis Hanks
Honored Social Butterfly

@DeahWA &. @wasatchu 

I too just came across this post. I am a Caucasian male, and not a writer...and would just like to comment on the 60โ€™s. 
In retrospect it was a time which made me feel alive, during the period of being 10 years old, evolving into being 20. It was not only a period of enlightenment, but also a period of sorrow and disappointment. Although we brought many issues to the forefront, I cannot say that we solved anything. But, discovery may also lead to finding solutions...someday. 
I must say that I think of the 60s everyday of my life...and not to go back and redo my life, but remembering my life and fortunately that I lived thru and survived the experiences!

 DeahC, enjoyed your posts on the now deleted Black Power topic, it seems to be unfortunate that we cannot discuss issues such as this on was a similar topic deleted on another AARP forum. I and some others have now moved to Reddit...where politics, 
race, justice and honesty are being discussed. 

I hope to check in from to time to see what  is being discussed. Have a good day!

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Bronze Conversationalist

Hello! @wasatchu 

Just stumbled on your post, and have of course checked out your profile, went to your website, clicked on your Facebook page, but I swear I'm not a stalker. Just another Boomer who missed out on living the life in the 60s so striving now to take my turn as a now-aging hippie chick. 


Seasoned contemporary romance is a nice phrase. I lean towards Stella Fosse's word "elderotica", which is what I've been writing this past year. 


I'd agree that there was something about the 60s that feels lost now. Would love to chat here or offline with a fellow traveler.


It's been a while since you posted here.

Hope you are well and busy as heck.

Or as you want to be, anyway.

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Periodic Contributor

Hmmm...not real happy with the AARP message board. Glad you stumbled. Be most happy to pick this up on something a little less clunky. Do aging hippy chicks read? Where were you in1968? Just trying to get a sense of what the 60s meant to you. That and testing if you might want to be a beta reader for MarieAnne.


I write under D. Reed Whittaker, if you're curious. I try not to be too pushy but I sometimes come across that way. Hope I haven't scared you away.


Again, thanks for stumbling.

Dennis Hanks
0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

On the contrary @wasatchu, as a seasoned Facebook user, I don't scare easy. LOL We can chat there if you prefer. One of my pages there is .


Yes, the aging hippie chicks I know read. Constantly. I'd be happy to beta-read for you in exchange.... yada yada. Shameless self promotion is good for us, eh? Have already skimmed the Look Inside feature of MarieAnne on Amazon.


Nice screening questions. ๐Ÿ˜‰  Sometimes I'm too literal, so in 68 I was graduating high school in St Louis County / entering college in Denver, fighting Midwest conservatism, exploring sexual awakening, living mostly in my head until I could escape being over-controlled by my upbringing.


Agreed about the clunkiness of this platform. They get points for trying, but no cigar. 


BTW, once upon a time I lived in Ogden and worked at Hill. I enjoyed my time in the shadow of the Wasatch.

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My name is Karl Schumacher. I am 70. I recently published a book "The Village: Stories 1637 - 1997" available on the usual outlets (Amazon, B&N, etc.) Four of them are deeply related to your interest. I am currently working on another "Kerouac-ian" one about a transformational '71 trip with a buddy in a 1938 Plymouth acroos Canada and the US. The second one, not finished yet, but soon, really nails the '60's childhood/teen experience. Don't know much about communication on AARP [Private email address removed from public view. Please use the Private Messaging function]. We should chat. Regards

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Periodic Contributor


Sorry for the tardy response, but this was the first I saw your post. And that was because someone else responded. I've noted your email addy. Will pick this up there. Not real happy with the AARP message board. [Private email address removed from public view. Please use the Private Messaging function]


Talk to you tomorrow. Oh, hi.


Dennis Hanks
0 Kudos
Bronze Conversationalist

Hi @karlschu01 

Just took a look inside The Village book and put it on my book wish list. Can't wait to get into it. If you are still checking in here at the AARP community, it would be great to chat with you about writing. I'm discovering we have several authors here, including myself, and it would be wonderful to get some conversation going. What do you think?

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