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Caption This Slice of Chocolate Cake!

Honored Social Butterfly

Caption This Slice of Chocolate Cake!


Delicious Chocolate Cake.jpg


'I know we just met, but you look delicious.'

Trusted Social Butterfly

Fingers skimming across the top..yum...Do you think anyone will notice.?

Trusted Social Butterfly

Ah....somebody else noticed the tiny bit of frosting missing from the middle of the back edge.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Have you read "Death by Chocolate"..Here's the culprit....

Super Contributor

 The only way to make this better is to add a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

Trusted Social Butterfly

A real tragedy would be if some one were to sneeze here.

Trusted Social Butterfly

pant pant pant...drool drool...slobber...pant pant pant...drool drool...slobber...

Trusted Social Butterfly

"What?!?!...No Cherry on top!" exclaimed Mrs. Astor, "You are fiyud!"

Trusted Social Butterfly

Love is blind, as You go to my waist and the inches go up...

Silver Conversationalist

 Very well constructed. The frosting on the top,middle and back is the perfect thickness, enough to give that euphoric chocolate experience but not enough to overwhelm the moist middle. An "almost" perfect slice ! If it has one tiny flaw I'd say its not quite big enough. Just sayin.

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