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Recognized Social Butterfly


Bus Drivers: The Good and the Bad

This past week, I noticed (seated up front) that the behavior of two Honolulu bus drivers tremendously varied.

At one point, a young chic female tourist entered the bus without a mask. The bus driver inquired if she had one with her. She sheepishly said no. Instead of berating her for being so clueless and irresponsible or telling her to exit the bus, he turned around and earnestly asked the other passengers if anyone of them had an extra mask. He did so because the bus had already depleted its mask reserves. One elderly lady gladly gave a couple of vividly embroidered Hawaiian masks to the young woman, who graciously accepted the offering. Problem amicably solved.

At a different bus stop the next day, a disheveled young woman got on the bus without wearing a mask. The unsympathetic bus driver didnโ€™t ask her if she had a mask tucked away somewhere in her baggy outfit. Nor did he bother to find out if the bus had any more complementary masks. Nor did he entreat the passengers to give her an extra mask. He just gruffly told her to leave immediately. Abashed, the forlorn lady scurried away.

Would the first bus driver have been so solicitous if the young lady had looked like a boorish street person? I have faith that he would have acted in the same humane way. Would the second bus driver have tried to help the other young lady if she had been alluringly stylish? I doubt it.

The second bus driver should be compelled to take a course in human relations. Who better to teach it than the eminently qualified first bus driver?




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Regular Social Butterfly

Thank you, again, @schlomo for sharing these experiences!


I am of the same mind regarding these experiences; in fact these encounters which, imho, display the "ugly american", are breaking my heart.


There is a war against people happening which should not be happening. How can we stop this if we can't even stop ourselves from hating each other?



Phil Harris, actor and showman, to John Fogerty of CCR: โ€œIf Iโ€™d known Iโ€™d live this long, Iโ€™d have taken better care of myself.โ€
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