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Dealing with Stress

Many aspects of life can be stressful, from work deadlines to health issues to family conflicts. Watch this video to better understand the impact of acute and chronic stress on the brain โ€” and learn to manage the stress in your life. Visit AARPยฎ Staying Sharpยฎ, an AARP member benefit, for more information on brain health.

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One of the biggest stressors is MONEY.If you came from a poor family(,and have mental illness from having a harmful family, )the amt. of stress is quite a lot;Statistics say that people who come from poor families usually do not or are not able to get into a higher economic class as an adult. Some of the reasons are that the"systems" available to higher economic classes are not available to people from poor families, It is no longer true in the United States that a person can work his way into a higher economic system;the rates of  stagnation in one's social system are impossibly, high.--Most studies report that almost 99 percent of the population stay in the economic and social system they are born into.STRESS OVER MONEY is often the highest stressor for a U.S.,citizen during his lifetime--it can literally affect a person's physical and mental health.;


FURTHER about stress; stress affecting someone's health is now one of the most harmful reasons for bad health,among Americans.It has been researched and found that the high rate of SPEED, and fast-pace of the society in the USA, including the work-space,travel, school, and competitive ratio of America has even contributed to obesity in the U.S.--as well as high blood pressure, heart trouble, and mental illness due to extreme fast-paced society. 


Yes, it is NOT your imagination. Our fast-pace,technologically-paced, unrelenting and PRESSURED society is very bad for your health-and your nerves--and even for your not being able to sleep at night.


Not only that, but our SOCIAL CONTACTS with other people have lessened down to tiny amt.s that even ten years ago wasn't  the case.Now WE DON'T CHAT AND SOCIALIZE WITH FRIENDS in person at least every other day;we are pushed, instead, to "go online to talk to people,telephone,email, android-message,zoom,and read and write on websites and newspapers. FACE-TO-FACE SOCIAL CONTACTS have dwindled to  one of the lowest amts, in the history of the country.--or in the history of mankind.


We have become an isolated society. Furthermore, seniors are extremely isolated and separated from social interactions...Unless you go to a very friendly senior center, regularly, and have contacts that are especially personal, meaningful, and you can talk to your friends,and count on them to be a good circle of support, you are likely to be alone a lot.Many of our relatives and close cousins,sisters,brotthers,wives,husbands and old friends are DEAD or going to die within a few years. If you are like me,many of my friends died in their 50s and 60's already.


In fact, since several branches of both sides of my family live on different coasts, are in different social classes,and never communicate, the only relative or friend I talk to on the phone is my sister.--who lives in a different state. I don't go literally any where since I'm now in a power chair.I don't go to a church;or  hobby clubs;or a senior center,or to their lunches.--I no longer try to make new friends;my next door neighbor got cancer at 71, and did not live long after.Her husband is left there,and never talks to me.  My homecare worker does not really socialize with me.She does not have time. I quite frankly am sick of only talking to people on computers,I hate this era,and I won't live to 80 yrs old.I refuse to live to 80,its not worth it,Its too much stress and effort.. My minor anorexia has returned and I've lost a little weight.--not enough.But just having a blog,and a friend in Michigan, who I email, is NOT HUMAN INTERACTION. HUMAN INTERACTION IS OVER. This society is doomed.---because we are no longer PEOPLE.

Merry Xmas.

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