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Private Friends Network Tip

The Private Friends Network, or PFN, allows you to build your own friends network and share scores to see who’s on top each day in Right Again! Trivia Original and Sports. The PFN allows you to build a private network of your own friends to share scores, challenge and wager. Invite your friends to get started and enjoy this fun feature.

Click "Read More" below to learn all about the PFN, including:

  • Where is it?
  • How do I invite friends?
  • How many friends can I have?
  • How does it work?
  • How to challenge and make wagers with your friends
  • And more

Where is it?

You can find the PFN tab underneath the main Right Again! Trivia game screen on the game’s web page, where you can see your Daily Top Score. Click the arrow in the top right of the My Private Friends Network bar to unfold the PFN screen. Click the arrow again if you want to collapse the PFN screen back down.





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How do I invite my friends to my PFN?


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  • Click on the Invite tab.
  • Click “Copy Invitation Link.”
  • Paste that copied link in an email or text message to your friend.

When they click on your link, they’ll join your network.


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How does it work?

At the top of the PFN screen, you’ll see three clickable tabs, i.e., Game, Friend, and Challenges, that filter the view of the PFN you’d like to see.

  • Game
  • Friend
  • Challenges

On the right, you’ll see function links to either Invite additional friends to your PFN or edit the ones you already have.


Here’s what it all means.

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Do I need to be an AARP Member to use the PFN?

No – but you will need to register an account at if you don’t already have one. If you do, just log in!


How do I invite my friends?

Click on the Invite tab. Click “Copy Invitation Link.” Paste that copied link in an email or text message to your friend. They'll join your network when they click on your link – but more on that soon!


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How does it work?

You'll see various clickable tabs at the top of the PFN screen. On the left, you’ll see:

  •  View by:
    • Game
    • Friend
    • Challenges

On the right, you’ll see:

  • The number of friends you currently have
    • Invite
    • Edit

Here’s what it all means.


Game Tab

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On the Game tab, you’ll see a list of dates in descending order, starting with today’s date and going back 14 days. If you and/or anyone on your friends list have played that day’s game, your score will appear below the date, listed from highest to lowest score. So, if you and your 10 best friends all play the same game, you’ll be able to see the rankings here! Only your score from the first time the game is played will be displayed for you and your friends to determine who came out on top.


Friend Tab

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You’ll see a list of all your friends on The Friend tab. Below their name, you’ll see their score for every game they’ve played for the past 14 days. Only your score from the first time the game is played will be displayed for you and your friends to determine who came out on top.

This view is perfect for seeing how your friends and you have done in Right Again! Trivia individually.


Challenges Tab

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You can challenge up to three friends per game date on the Challenges tab. You also have the option to wager up to 300 game points per wager. Only your score from the first time the game is played will be used to determine who won the challenge and wager.


How can I send a challenge or make a wager?

You're a trivia buff, and you're ready to challenge your friends to a game of Right Again! Trivia. Good news: now you can! You also have the option to wager up to 300 game points, but wagering isn't necessary to challenge your friends in the Private Friends Network!

Here's how you do it, once you’re on the game page:


  1. Ensure you're signed in to the website, either as an AARP Member or with a free registration. Make sure you’ve invited at least one friend before you try to use the Challenge feature.
  2. Click "Challenge" within the Private Friends Network area. You'll see various Game Dates. Then click "View" on the Game Date you want to use. (You can also click “Challenge” on the Game Select screen, which will bring you to the Private Friends Network area.)


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3. From here, you'll see all your friends. You can click the boxes to challenge a friend, and/or wager 300 game points. (You can challenge a friend without wagering points.) 


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4. Click "Challenge" to send!

You can challenge as many friends as you want every day. However, you can send a maximum of three wagers per game date.

Make sure you challenge your friends before they play that day's game since only scores from the first time the game is played for a specific date is used to determine the winner of the challenge and wager.

5. How long is a challenge active?

Both the challenger and the friend have 24 hours — from 12:01 a.m. EST of the game date to midnight of the game date — to accept the challenge invite.

6. What is the maximum time before a challenge or wager is decided?

Your friend must complete and post the first score within 24 hours and 30 minutes.


Invite Tab 

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This is where you can add friends to your PFN! When you click Invite, you’ll get a pop-up with a button that says, “Copy Invitation Link.” Paste that copied link in an email or text message to your friend. They'll join your network when they click on your link and log in.


If a friend does not accept your invitation within 24 hours, the invitation will be inactive. However, you can resend an invite.


Do I need to be an AARP Member to use the PFN?

No – but you will need to register an account at if you don’t already have one. If you do, just log in!

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Edit Tab

This is where you can see your list of friends. When someone accepts your invitation link, their username will show up here. This tab also lets you remove a friend if you’d no longer like to see their scores in your PFN.


How many friends can I have on PFN?

You can have a maximum of 150 friends in your PFN.



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