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Looking for Pen Pals from Germany?



I'm an American living in Germany.  Three years down, three to go.  Love it. 


I have formed a group of, ahem, older women (40s, 50s) who are interested in writing pen pals at senior citizen centers back in the States.  We are older in the sense that many women here are young military wives, and we are not that (anymore)!   


We are looking to alleviate some of the isolation by this awful pandemic.  We thought it would be fun to send mail back to the States.  We also wouldn't mind sending postcards of some awesome European places (we are getting to travel a little bit these days).   And also hearing back from people who would like to share their experiences.


My group has 8 people right now, so we're looking for at least that many people.  If you are interested, would you please send me an email at [email address removed from public view for online safety reasons. please use the private messaging system on the community]


Please DO not put your last name or your home address.  That would violate this site's rules, and I don't want anyone to feel unsafe or put personal information on a public website or in an email. 


Please DO put your first name and the address of your senior citizen center or a safe address where the mail can be sent.


My group's first meeting is on Saturday, 22 Aug, so please make haste.


Looking forward to some new overseas connections! 





Bronze Conversationalist

@LaurieK328511  I wish I had known about your group earlier. If you are still going, please PM me for more on how I can help.


Years ago I was a military wife in Bitburg Germany, employed by civil service on base. I organized a group for American feminists in Europe, and put together an International Working Women's day conference because there wasn't enough support for temporary ex-pats. I'd love to chat with you.


Hope things have gone well for you and your group over this past year. 

Tschüss, Deah

Periodic Contributor

Hi my name is Ginger Hines i live in Cumberland MD; i am 61 years my birthday was 12-11 . My husband and i  we have a service center and he fixes applienceses . we have a 31 year old daughter plus i have two sepsons and 4 year old grand daugther.


  • Hi Ginger.  If you're still looking for a penpal, my name is Sherry and I'm 68 in Pennsylvania.  I live with my husband and mom  and love rock, r and b, jazz, and some country music, dancing, fashion, and mostly healthy living and I am very open minded and nonjudgmental.  How do we communicate from here as I notice email addresses were removed from posts?  
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