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Increase Again In Auto Insurance

I just received my quote for Hartford Auto Insurance for 2024 and the increase was 27.45% to me this is highway robbery and they continue every year to go up usually double digit percentage. When I first started with Hartford they had good rates and now they are pricing themselves right out of business. I wonder exactly what AARP does to keep rates reasonable. I will be actively searching for another insurance company as I have about had it with Hartford. It seems to me they have a license to steel and they do not mind using it. I have not had a ticket in almost 40 years and no claims so in my view there is no justification for this type of raise.

Super Contributor

They are just like any other insurance company.  Unless you have a very specific and good reason for staying with them, shop around.  All companies jack up their prices until you vote with your feet - it's the insurance company business model -  there's no customer loyalty any longer.

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