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(1) Whether WE are AGE 50 or 100, WE may have some concerns.


(2) What are YOUR concerns? ๐Ÿค”


Thanks, Nicole ๐Ÿก (Housing Forum)

Honored Social Butterfly

As we AGE, whether we pay a mortgage or rent - changes do NEED to be made to OUR housing setup.


Whether it is a concern about safety, repairs or being able to pay our rent/mortgage or something else - we need to be heard!  โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œ๐Ÿ‘โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œ


Stop by when YOU can to share and/or READ comments by OTHER MEMBERS.


*** Maybe we can help each other out with possible solutions. NEVER give up on living life YOUR WAY ***



Nicole  โ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œ๐Ÿ‘ตโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œ

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

I luv my CUTE Studio Apartment here in the hills of Virginia but know that as I AGE I will need to move to a STAIRLESS setup = more EXPENSIVE housing.  ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I have about 5 steps between my Front Door and parking lot where my car is.


GRATEFUL for having handrails to grab as I go up and down these steps.


Nicole  ๐Ÿ‘ต

0 Kudos
Regular Contributor

People may not even realize that the current environment of segregation and hostility effects housing availability in a substantial way.  Specifically, citizens' "right to travel and live in the area of choice" are being taken away.  Granted, there are several factors affecting this complicated housing market reality, however it is important to keep in mind that the access to "safe affordable housing" is primarily dependent on local social conditions, especially for those with limited resources.  People with greater resources, and the wealthy can often spend their way out of these subjective housing market problems. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Awesome post @jrmeans1 !!!  ๐Ÿ‘


Well, in my very humble opinion and one that is NOT rich - a lot of what WE (folks needing AFFORDABLE housing) are dealing with has to do with:


(1) The pandemic aftermath.


(2) OTHER folks "messing" things up for us = NOT appreciating what is in place.


Number 2 has A LOT of neighborhoods NOT wanting us as neighbors based on things like INCREASED crime and filth.


I cannot blame them as they have NO way of telling IF we are decent law-abiding folks.


Regular Contributor

Good points, however aren't you sick and tired of being burdened and even punished for the acts of a few bad apples.  It is not moral and not legal (if you can prove it) to burden 90% of a group because 10% will be bad actors.  Broad sweeping policies that exclude good neighbors from renting and buying is not acceptable.  Housing is too important to having a quality life to allow housing providers to discriminate so they can have more efficient screening processes.  


For most of my rental history I've been a fairly good tenant.  However, upon moving out of state to an area where the cost of living was much higher, I found it very difficult to maintain a balance for living expenses like never before.  I experienced evictions and now having given up life in the Big City and returned home, I don't know how to go about securing housing again in a safe neighborhood.  Still to young to get into senior living communities, are there any suggestions or good resources for me to tap into for help?



Honored Social Butterfly

@PaulC66484 would you consider roommates? Maybe rent a house with them.


As far as your "evictions" - be honest about them and you will find SOME places will give you ANOTHER chance.


Nicole  ๐Ÿ‘ต


[*** PAUL @PaulC66484 wrote:

For most of my rental history I've been a fairly good tenant.  However, upon moving out of state to an area where the cost of living was much higher, I found it very difficult to maintain a balance for living expenses like never before.  I experienced evictions and now having given up life in the Big City and returned home, I don't know how to go about securing housing again in a safe neighborhood.  Still to young to get into senior living communities, are there any suggestions or good resources for me to tap into for help?


PC ***]

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

I have ALWAYS luved and enjoyed my "space" between houses. Now it seems homes are now like townhouses or apartments.


As I AGE (now age 65), I am "researching" living off the grid SAFELY AND LEGALLY.


Now retired, probably have another 20 years in me and NEED to enjoy those years.


0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

As we AGE, it seems our "housing" options are fewer ๐Ÿ˜ฅ


Nicole ๐Ÿก


Hi Nicole. I stopped by here to search for discounts on emergency housing. I had to move. I protested the HUD agency for setting us up in a home with surveillance  cameras all through it. We were studied for 9 years until God Said - Leave. I'm not 30 minutes away from our old home. My boys are at their dad's but he's already living in a high-rise. I'm being updated with what's been happening to me since childhood, that the past four years were attempts to sacrifice me. That the family I know isn't mine and my sister and brother are involved with the lifelong plan to keep me in the dark about who I really am; not being given a trust fund account left for me to receive at age 18 by my real mother; and my heart broke to learn that two maybe three inheritances have been swiped by an older first cousin, my sister and my brother.

When my sister strangely appeared at my front door, out of nowhere; meaning she lives in DC and never comes in town without letting us know, but a mid-day Saturday told me all she wouldn't while we were face to face. She love bombed me though. In hindsight, it felt like the hug of death. I have never had a hug that constrained me and felt threatening until then.  

Four years of the time in our home was spent researching what the heck was going on. It seems as though at the beginning of each year a related question would surface, but I wouldn't find the answer until the end of 12 months. 

My housing situation is nonexistent. I went to eviction court for the first time in my life. The only person that had compassion was the HUD employee's lawyer. I broke me to move all the way out. So, I'm trying to find a way to not sleep outside in an unfamiliar town because God told me to leave 6 months ago. There's soon to be a reckoning that is equal to the four years of terror and my small family's decimation.

Just thought I'd throw that out there. I was 40 and 42 when I had my last set of kids. All together there are six. The city I lived in and state I'm running from now gaslit me into giving up my firstborn son to a foster couple for adoption. And they promised I'd have a relationship with him. But the last nine years have enlightened me.  Not only are we the indigenous on the land - Kansa of Kansas; Our children, including my daughter whom I can't find and her infant son and daughter, are being fed through a pipeline of studied individuals. A population used to ensure continuation of federal grant research data and funds.  

Sorry. But When I finally got into my account today I found my account number assigned to my sister's name. And I'm the stupid fool that sent her my extra membership. She had to have set up this account because I would never choose an image/avatar of a man. I love men, but I'm a woman.

Honored Social Butterfly

I hope and pray AARP continues to take an interest in Senior Housing. Maybe when my only child gets to be my age 64 (65 next month, September 2023) - there will be MORE options available.


Seems like we are forgotten by the folks who oversee Senior Housing.


0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

@iLuvAutumn wrote:

(8/10/23) Stop by to read our comments when you can.


And leave a comment..... ๐Ÿ˜


Anyone age 50+ welcome!


Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Hey Nicole....


I am staying right where I am!!!!!!!


Our mortgage is about the price of a studio apartment in my locale. The values of homes are increasing exponentially. New construction is inferior to old construction. Older lots and houses have much more square footage. And I know my neighbors.

Not applicable

***READ the comments and/or ADD a comment***


(1) Whether WE are AGE 50 or 100, WE may have some concerns.


(2) What are YOUR concerns? ๐Ÿค”


Thanks, Nicole ๐Ÿก (Housing Forum)


I live in a mobile home community in Upstate NY and I feel my community management office is harrassing me. 

I recently received another violation letter due to my yard. It's not that bad!  I just had it mowed last week just as the rainy week was starting. I try to mow it myself but I have a bad back and chronic pain for which I am on SSI. It's really difficult for me to do it and it usually takes me a few days. But, I do it. I did have a regular lawn mower who came every other week but, this year his own health has suffered and can no longer do it. I have been trying to find a replacement guy to mow but, it's not been as easy as I thought it would be. So, I do it or occasionally,  a neighborhood kid will come up and I'll pay them to do it. 

The manager of the community knows I have a disability and had offered help but has not done the things he and I agreed on. Then again, other than the smoke from the Canada wildfires, it's been raining for nearly a week and it's been incredibly hot. We are under a heat health warning again.  I being a reasonable person do not expect anyone to do such work during dangerous conditions.  I guess I am not allowed the same considerations. 

My yard is not in a constantly unkempt condition. But my home is pretty ugly. At the very least, it needs to be re-sided. I qualify for the federal government's home replacement but the waiting list is two years. I did inform the manager of this impending change and I feel that was in error as the harrassment has only stepped up. See, if the company that owns the community can get the lot I am on, they can place an overpriced new home and charge a lot. Already people are paying over $1,300 per month for a two bedroom single wide trailer.  They sell homes like some car dealerships sell cars to anyone. And already the lot rent is the most in the area as compared to the other parks.

Moving my home is terribly expensive. If I do that, it should be to my own private land. But, I can't afford either so I'm in a bind. 


it seems unreasonable that as soon as the grass sprouts up a little (no higher than 4 inches)  in the rain, I'm expected to mow. The violation letter literally says to mow weekly.  My other neighbors do not mow weekly and quite a few are in unkempt condition. My lawn does not need to be mowed weekly. When I mow, I mow very short so it won't need constant maintenance. 


I feel strongly that I am being pressured unfairly and it's frightening. 


Short of getting out there and mowing which I'm doing. I'm afraid they'll pick on me for something else.

I really don't know what to do. 

Bronze Conversationalist

Your lot rent does not include mowing? 


No. Our rent is high enough that you'd think it should. 

They'll do it but they charge and extra $60 to do it. 

Bronze Conversationalist

Many park lots (at least in my area) are small enough that owning lawn equipment wouldn't warrant the space it takes to store it. Imagine they would like to keep grass in lawns & common areas consistent.  HOA's sometimes have these policies in place as well. 


This wouldn't cover personal gardens & such.  Notice over years Condo associations are covering less & less, with increased fees as well. 

Not applicable



I was hoping housing would have gotten better with the pandemic behind us. Oh well, maybe next year 2024!


Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Not applicable

1 comment (4/25/23)


It seems like AARP is promoting the LIVABLE COMMUNITY concept = for ALL ages.


That is AWESOME for folks who enjoy the YOUNGSTERS.


Lol, I USE to until I have had the PLEASURE of living with 3 sets ABOVE my apartment. Five years of h..ll and lack of sleep.


That is WHY this will be my LAST apartment.


Totally luv my CUTE Studio Apartment. Reminds me of the Tiny Cottage I have dream't of RETIRING in....


Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ 

Bronze Conversationalist

Nice to have kids to help out, the events of increased real estate costs in the past 2 years have put the quibash on my plans, last thought I'll have in my head as I tumble down my steps! 

Not applicable

Thank you for stopping by @Tempest332  !!!! โ€Œ๐Ÿ’ƒโ€Œ๐Ÿฅณ, Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ


โ–ถ๏ธ@Tempest332 wrote:

Nice to have kids to help out, the events of increased real estate costs in the past 2 years have put the quibash on my plans, last thought I'll have in my head as I tumble down my steps! โ—€๏ธ

Bronze Conversationalist

Yeah, apparently looking at another city that is considered lower than the average cost of housing & affordable, houses appear to be running between 350-450K, so this is considered affordable?  These appear to be somewhat normal houses (2000-2500 squares), newer construction.  For that kind of money in my neck of the woods, I can get a McMansion.


They seem to deck these homes out with many unneeded amenities as well.  They no longer build homes that are < 2000 squares either.   



try Renting in AZ, my husband and I are  both on SS retirement income, the rent takes my whole ss check plus some pf my husband's  they raised suddenly by 400 so instead of paying 844 we now have to 1375 for the same apt  plus we have to pay all utilites by the time we are done with that there is nothing left for food, We were on medcaid and medicare but medicaid dropped us this month because they say we make too much money so now without that extra help paying medicare premium and copays we now have to pay for medicare  every month that is an extra 162 i do not know right now what we are going to do, I looked for more affordable housing for a whole year plus but since people from CA are moving to AZ landlords have raised rents to match CA pricing and the places that are affordable have 5 to 10 year waiting lists. There is absolutely no help for seniors here  i tried everything the only answers I get is we cannot help right now, i even wrote to our new governor bout it the answer i got was AZ is and always has been a landlord friendly state they can raise their rents ass high as they want . so now i fear we will be out in the streets if we do not figure out how to financially pay for everything wish us luck and send lots of prayers 

oh and may i add we are on food stamps but they also said we make too much money a month and knocked us down to 24 dollars a month

Bronze Conversationalist

@ks1979685 Good reason to keep California in California!   I understand the same thing is occurring in Colorado, Utah and other western states that were once affordable have become exploited by developers & realtors that are aware of this wave of migration of folks more than willing to overpay. 



Not applicable

1 comment (4/24/23)


Be very LEERY when your LANDLORD wants you to move into another unit so they can RENOVATE your unit.


9 times out 10, they want to RAISE your rent!


And IF you ask IF you can MOVE BACK once the RENOVATIONS are done, the RENT will have TRIPLED!


I am dealing with this right now and in my YOUNGSTER years I would have said yes.


Lol, so I am dealing with this DRAMA in a very CUTE Studio Apartment (reminds me of a Tiny Cottage, my goal in retirement) I have been in since 2018.


They keep REMINDING me they could get $200 more than I am paying = what NEW residents are paying.


And ZERO gets fixed of course, all part of the PRESSURE.


But I am NOT moving until I pack up to move back to Florida where my "only" child is. And yes, into my Tiny Cottage SOON! ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ’ƒ


Nicole ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Bronze Conversationalist

Want to tell you a story
About the house-man blues
I come home one Friday
Had to tell the landlady I'da lost my job
She said that don't confront me
Long as I get my money next Friday
Now next Friday come I didn't get the rent
And out the door I went
So I goes to the landlady
I said you let me slide?
I'll have the rent for you in a month
Next I don't know
So said let me slide it on you know people
I notice when I come home in the evening
She ain't got nothing nice to say to me
But for five year she was so nice
Loh' she was lovy-dovy
I come home one particular evening
The landlady said you got the rent money yet?
I said no, can't find no job
Therefore I ain't got no money to pay the rent
She said I don't believe you're tryin' to find no job
Said I seen you today you was standin' on a corner
Leaning up against a post
I said but I'm tired, I've been walkin' all day
She said that don't confront me
Long as I get my money next Friday
Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent
And out the door I went.

House Rent Blues - George Thorogood.


Periodic Contributor

I read a report, not to long ago that said that seniors felt comfortable if they had 35k in savings for retirement. Kid you not. I don't know what others think but you can't live on ss alone and 35k won't protect you. Dad retired and bought the car of his dreams. It got old, he got older and all of a sudden he didn't have enough to live. No one's fault. Just failure to look  at the bigger picture. There are a number of programs to help and if you are a veteran that provides alot of help. Bottom line is everyone needs to look at their situation rather closely.  just my opinion


Bronze Conversationalist

How about Tub to walk in Shower Conversions... quite pricy, possibly around 10% (or more) of home value.   I'm sure that's a need for seniors.  

Honored Social Butterfly

Property taxes are killing us. Because of the housing market crisis, our house value is going up, up, up, but that's no good with the taxes that you need to pay towards the value, I think it's up 16% this year. No doubt, you need a two-income household just to pay the bills. I hope it stops! ๐Ÿ˜ง

โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘... โŒžWhat the GLITCH!โŒ ... โญ‘ เน‹เฃญ โญ‘(ใฃ อก อกยฐ - อก อกยฐ ฯ‚)
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