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Subsidized Senior Housing

What has been your experience?




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My mother lived in a HUD Sect. 202 subsidized housing complex for the elderly and disabled for over 12 years.   She wasn't subsidized but many were.  It was great.  Had everything that she needed, safe, clean.  Here it is if you want to take a look:    Clairmont Oaks


I don't know if this is the type complex that you are in but I will explain how it works briefly and as simple as I can.  With the caveat that now there are LONG waiting list for each level.


A non-profit, say a church, decides to build one of these places.  They get a low interest loan from HUD (US Housing and Urban Development).  As part of the initial loan or any subsequent improvement loans, cause a lot of these places were built in the 80's, the nonprofit agrees to provide housing for those 62 and older or the disabled who can live independently in an array of income levels.


Say, they have 300 units - they would divide these up with

  • 100 of the units paying the market based rent,
  • 100 of the units being under rental subsidy from HUD - subsidized about 30% off the market-based rent
  • 100 of the units being under Sect 8 for those with the very lowest income.

It use to be possible for those who moved in under the market based or subsidized income criteria and as their income lowered because they were using up their funds, the longer they lived, to move to the next level or to the subsidized level or even down to Sect 8.  

They still had to live independently or have the ability to have someone come in to take care of then, the complex did not supply any care - it was independent living.  It was frond upon for residents to care for another anymore than occassionally and simply. 


These type places run the gamut - from great to yuck.  Today, there is such a need for affordable senior/disabled housing that all of them have long wait list at every level - market based, subsidized and Sect 8.  Plus people age in place - there isn't transition because they stay there, getting older and older and we are living longer and longer.


Before my mom moved out (due to health reasons) back in 2012, the complex had an "Over 90" party and my eyes dropped when I saw the number of them that were over 90 - some closer to 100.


So I think you might need to figure out exactly what type of complex you are in and if it has changed to something else than a senior independent living complex since you moved in.  To find something else, if possible, your state should have an elder care assistance program but the waitlist might be very long.  


I wish this HUD program could have been continued with new developments but alas land in sought after areas got more and more expensive and so did building and staffing.  So even market-based rent has sky-rocketed just like "regular" apartments.  States are also overwhelmed with lots of different problems, disabilities, homelessness, etc.


I use to have a page from HUD book-marked that gave a list of places like the one my mom lived in by state but alas, I just tried it and sure enough - "PAGE NOT FOUND".

You are not the 1st to bring up housing problems for senior.



It's Always Something . . . . Roseanna Roseannadanna
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I do and it is the first time. I prefer living in a regular apartment complex.



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