AARP Eye Center
Home owner Rights? Subsidize Pot smoking renters, polluting air of neighboring home owners! What can we do? Why do we have to move to just be able to have a open window, for fresh air?
@ghamby wrote:Home owner Rights? Subsidize Pot smoking renters, polluting air of neighboring home owners! What can we do? Why do we have to move to just be able to have a open window, for fresh air?
Really? Is this a serious topic? Your neighbors smoke pot and you can smell it all over the neighborhood?
More and more juristictions have allowed pot smoking. This was done through your legislators and/or voters voting for propositions that made pot smoking legal.
Were you involved in trying to stop these laws from being enacted?
Not too many solutions. Your Prop 64 had a quite healthy margin of victory. Your fellow Californian's voted for this. I have no answers for something that the voting public passed other than you would have to move. And, unless I misunderstand, you have to smoke on your premises, not in public. That, of course, hurts everyone around if you live next to pot-smoking people.
There is one possible solution of which I'm aware. If the offenders are renting, the landlord can prohibit them from smoking. Of course, you would have to get the landlord to agree.
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