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๐Ÿค” What CHALLENGE(s) Are YOU Facing RIGHT NOW?

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๐Ÿค” What CHALLENGE(s) Are YOU Facing RIGHT NOW?

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Grief & Loss Team ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿค—


Our winter here in Michigan is dreary too.  It

@LeeS4949 wrote:

Facing another very long Maine winter, facing it alone makes it worse. Ive been telling myself for years it was time to leave this life behind but I'm still here,hunkered down with my fur babies inside my snug house for another year. Each day I get out of bed an attack the day with humor and resolve,some days are harder than others but everyday day ends the same. Just me and my mousekateers giving each other what we need to go on. Not a bad life if you think about it.


Silver Conversationalist

Going through long stretches of cold, snow, ice, and dreariness used to really get to me. At the time I didn't have the option of trying a warmer climate for a portion of the year, so I jumped in with both feet and made the move many years ago. It has been really good for me! I'm glad I have the sunny, warm days or I don't think I would have a chance of surviving the loss of my husband.

Silver Conversationalist

Carolyn, I lived in Maine and raised my family there. It's a great place to live. The kids got into kayaking and hiking etc. They made lifelong friendships. It was the harsh winters, expenses and growing old that spurred us to move. I think it's a beautiful state. I love the pine trees. White birch. The deer and moose that wander into your yard. Don't miss the moose walking out on the road in front of my car! Or the black ice I injured my back on badly. Moving is a lot to do. I learned in life that wherever I go I take myself with me. Lol But if you want to move it's always an option. Point is, my husband was still alive when we moved altho he had already suffered heart attacks and had stints etc. We figured why not take a risk. We made it and he had some time in the warmth before he got too sick. I'm so glad he had that time. But I guess it's about what we can do, when we can do it. Take care.


It is so dark here.  I have a furbaby too.  He is an older guy but he's doing pretty well.  I take care of him and he cheers me up.

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3 comments (Saturday 12/31/22) Me, over tired physically, but sleep eludes me. Praying that it passes soon. And the holidays is not helping. Feeling angry, lonely and discouraged but know this will pass as soon as I get some zzzz's.

Trusted Social Butterfly

Right now life is a mixed bag of ups and downs..Some days are easier than others. Dealing with paper work trying to get on the right start of the new year has been a series of yo-yo events..One foot ahead two back..Dealing with gathering things that are no longer in use and sorting them out seems like an endless chore...Some days I'm energetic others I could give a dam..The emptiness of not having the companionship of my hubby is sometimes overwhelming especially at night ..Daytime is filled with noises via tv or phone calls or just the hum drum of the world outside my door..Somethings seem pointless to do but they have to get done regardless of how I feel that day..I'm lucky to have my adult children some who show up more than others..They have their own lives to live and deal with their problems..I try to keep busy with things that I enjoy doing like knitting and reading..There are other things that I will persue perhaps getting out more in my yard and  neighborhood  to explore things that I have overlooked......I look to the New Year with hope and anticipation that life will continue to involve new things and memories to be made with others...Gone but not forgotten is so true and a piece of my heart is still...Wishing all who have experience a loss of some kind the energy and hope to forge ahead in the new year...

Silver Conversationalist

I identify with what you're going through. The loss of a longtime partner is very different for me than previous loss of my sister, for instance, to ovarian cancer. Or the loss of parents, cousins, friends. What gets me through is prayer. I read today what someone said about prayer, and that it's prayer itself is the comfort. I tend to think it's the result of prayer that's the comfort. Except it's the process itself. The journey that we're on.  Take care.

Silver Conversationalist

Beautifully said

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