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Remembering Father's Day

We have all known father figures throughout our lives whether they be our own husbands, fathers, grandfathers, uncles, coaches, mentors, surrogate fathers, brothers.  The list is endless.  Recently I realized that another way to remember and celebrate my loved one’s life is to celebrate his life in giving others moral support, love, attention, caring in all the sometimes little, but meaningful ways that matter.  In my case, going through pictures and other memorabilia, I realized what a significant role my husband played not only in my life but others as well.  There will be no Father’s Day cards for him.  However, I can send Father’s Day greetings to others in my life.  I started to do that recently and was surprised how welcome these messages were to many.  You too can make a difference and lighten someone else’s day and perhaps put a smile on their face.  Remember them on Father’s Day. Your friend on the journey, Sue

Honored Social Butterfly

Sue, I just want to let you know that it seems your thoughtful contribution to this community will be hard to find this post because it keeps getting shuffled down into forum oblivion. I really hope others can see this, and see how much it means to you. Thanks for your lovely sentiment. 


Yes, Kelly, I'm glad that you shared your sentiments. I worry that those who want to contribute will be lost in the "oblivion" (good word).  I only post occasionally when I have something personal to contribute.  I learned a long time ago that when one grieves one has to leave one's ego at the doorstep.  It is time to be humble and reflective, sharing your own grief experience and lessons. I hope that the folks who visit this site will look at all the postings and respond to those which resonate with them. I have been doing this myself and feel I can help others where appropriate.  This is not a competition. 


Have a good day and hang in there.  We have more important things to worry about. Sue

Honored Social Butterfly

Thank you. Please notice that this topic has been 'pinned.' I really appreciate that they did this so your post can be seen. Take care. 

Honored Social Butterfly

Hello, Sue. Super tough month for me, as well, as my dad passed away nearly 5 years ago. But, I'm okay. This is what happens...Life and Death. Rather than grieve, I usually take that energy towards doing something nice for my father-in-law, or speaking to my dad as if he were in the same room as me. Nothing else I can do, but these things. I am soul searching always, and hoping to recover some lost memories while I have my life journey in coping with the absence of someone I love, and will miss in their physical form. Take care. Thank you for sharing. 🤗


♡  Grief Is Like Butter  ♡

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