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Loss of young pet

I don't have any human kids. My pets are my kids.  They mean the world to me.  My young cat, Stevie, was diagnosed with a rare ear canal cancer on July 12, 2018 and passed away just three weeks later on August 2, 2018.  I think it was already at the advanced stage by the time he was diagnosed. It was incredibly sad to see him decline in the later stage of his cancer. The vet had thought he just had a stubborn ear infection for the previous six months.  Many trips to the vet, many different medications and two surgeries couldn't save my precious boy. 


He was such a bright light in my life.  He was born into a bad hoarding situation and had a very rough beginning, mentally and physically until he was rescued and taken to a shelter where I met him.  In the five short years I knew him, I loved him dearly and took really good care of him.  He was the one who always followed me around, grunted when he approached me, laid on my lap, came to bed the minute I did, played with toys, etc.  And he was absolutlely fearless.  He was a true joy to have around. Everyone who met him remarked at how wonderful he was.


I miss him so very much.  HIs passing has affected me so deeply and I cry about him daily.  I know it will get easier with time, but I do question why things like this happen. He never got the chance to have a full lifespan.  It's not fair.  R.I.P. my sweet, special boy, Stevie.



Community Concierge

@SusanH72527 wrote:

I don't have any human kids. My pets are my kids.  They mean the world to me.  My young cat, Stevie, was diagnosed with a rare ear canal cancer on July 12, 2018 and passed away just three weeks later on August 2, 2018.  I think it was already at the advanced stage by the time he was diagnosed. It was incredibly sad to see him decline in the later stage of his cancer. The vet had thought he just had a stubborn ear infection for the previous six months.  Many trips to the vet, many different medications and two surgeries couldn't save my precious boy. 


He was such a bright light in my life.  He was born into a bad hoarding situation and had a very rough beginning, mentally and physically until he was rescued and taken to a shelter where I met him.  In the five short years I knew him, I loved him dearly and took really good care of him.  He was the one who always followed me around, grunted when he approached me, laid on my lap, came to bed the minute I did, played with toys, etc.  And he was absolutlely fearless.  He was a true joy to have around. Everyone who met him remarked at how wonderful he was.


I miss him so very much.  HIs passing has affected me so deeply and I cry about him daily.  I know it will get easier with time, but I do question why things like this happen. He never got the chance to have a full lifespan.  It's not fair.  R.I.P. my sweet, special boy, Stevie.




I am so sad to hear about the loss of your boy Stevie. I don't have children either and my two dogs are also my children. I can't imagine my life without them, but I have experienced what you experienced. My Yellow Lab died of a cancer in 2012. I was able to prolong her life by 5 months with chemotherapy, but eventually, as the doctors told me, she would not survive. She was 10 and I too, felt robbed. She had at least five more years of life in front of her. I am here to tell you, it will get easier and time will help, so will another little friend. Have you thought about adopting another cat? I know a new cat would never replace your beloved Stevie, but will help ease the pain and loss and let you bring new happiness to a new furline friend. 


This poem helped me get through my loss. I hope it does the same for you. 



"Farewell, Master, Yet not farewell. Where I go, ye, too, shall dwell I am gone, before your face, A moment's time, a little space. When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept." After Death by Edwin Arnold




Caregiving Concierge
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Honored Social Butterfly

I am so sorry to hear about your Stevie. Though his life was tragically cut short, you rescued him and cared for him, and gave him the best gift of all - your love. I have to believe that there is a heaven for our fur babies, and a rainbow bridge for us to cross together. I just have to believe . . .


My sincere condolences on your loss. May you find peace.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” - Jimi Hendrix
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