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Silver Conversationalist

Activities that comfort

I know someone who does beautiful woodworking to help with PTSD. The person finds it engrossing and soothing. Taking up something we once enjoyed or developing a new creative interest can help to work our way out of the doldrums. If it's creating a product you don't need anymore it can be donated to a place of need. When my son was serving in the forces I knit soft wool green scarves to put under the rough collar of his uniform. He said they were warm and comfortable. The forces take donations such as these. We also put together a box of items to send out to him each month. He served four tours overseas during the wars. There are lots of soldiers who didn't and don't have anyone to do that for them. It's a great morale booster for them more than you could know. Cards and letters are also appreciated. They have great respect for former Veterans and value their input and advice.


Thanks for sharing.  I wanted to get back into some of my hobbies, crocheting being one of them.  Great idea to help those in need.  While my husband was in chemo, I crocheted a number of chemo caps with other patients and we both added a short message of encouragement to them.  Unfortunately Covid put an end to that and I have to say I regressed somewhat in getting back to it.  Gratitude and giving are wonderful ways to get out of our darkness for at least awhile.  Thanks for reminding me and instilling some energy in that direction.  Sue

Silver Conversationalist

Oh how nice, I'm sure patients were so appreciative of that personal touch of love and warmth in your crochet. And I'm sure your husband found much comfort in the cap you made for him. It not only provided warmth but your presence as well. So much love. Take care.

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