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Bronze Conversationalist

Tips, Tricks and Troubles...

I'll start a thread about any Tips, Tricks and Troubles - that may help AARP members.

( Please this is not a thread to complain about a/ your 'specific problem/ issue you have' but rather offering "solutions" )   I am not affiliated to AARP (just another AARP member) and can not solve 'specific problems/ issues' - the AARP Forum Moderators will address them, if they can.

     If you have a 'specific complaint/ issue - please find the right thread or create a 'new topic thread' - other than posting here.

      If you do discover a neat Tip or Trick or Solution to a Troubling issue - please add your voice here/ post here.


Anyhow, I saw this from AARP- Security software:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional security check is required
As you were browsing something about your browser made us think that you were a bot. There are few reasons this might happen:
  • You were a power user moving through this web-site with a super-human speed.
  • You have disabled cookies on your browser.
  • Additional security check is required
    As you were browsing something about your browser made us think that you were a bot. There are few reasons this might happen:
    • You were a power user moving through this web-site with a super-human speed.
    • You have disabled cookies on your browser.
    • A third-party browser Privacy or Script OR Cookie-Blocker plugins OR Extensions OR Open/SSL/Free-Malicious VPN OR Imposter Browser Plugins -- such as Ghostery, Privacy Badger, ExpressVPN, Click&Clean, Malwarebytes Browser Guard, uBlock Origin, Blur, DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials,, NoScript, Duck-Duck-Go, Guardian and Others is preventing Javascript from running.
    To regain access make sure that the cookies and javascript are enabled before loading the page.
What stands out is the 'list' of - A third-party browser Privacy or Script OR Cookie-Blocker plugins OR Extensions
If you are having issues with the AARP website and have any one of the above mentioned 'software extensions' - you may want to try 'temporarily' shutting them off; as these type of software may be problematic.
       Those who are making purchases of $ gift card/ certificates ( especially Cruise $ gift cards) should especially pay attention. Sometimes 'VPN software' may cause issues.
     If you are using any of the above soft-ware and are 'not having issues/ problems' - yes, this can and does happen; and there is no need to 'temporarily' shut them off.
😎  Please remember this not a 'complaint thread' - but offering ' Tips, Tricks and Solutions to Troubles ' that you seem to have found/ discovered.
      I'll have more to post.......



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