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Relax and Radiate - horrible service

Dear TheGirlfriend and AARP,

I have had many issues with the Relax and Radiate crate, and by looking at the surveys I am not the only one.
I ordered a  Christmas crate in October 2021, a few weeks later they offered me a discount if I get the crates annually, so I signed up for the annual services.  They sent me the Christmas crate at the non discounted price.  So I canceled the annual discounted crates.  I did enjoy getting the Christmas crate, so I ordered the 2022 winter crate (only the one crate).  I get a charge on my credit card for the spring crate, I go look at my account and there is nothing to suggest I ordered the spring crate and my account  was set to inactive.  I notified Relax and Radiate to refund my money, they said it was too late that the mailing label was already created.  That was 4 weeks ago, I still have yet to receive the crate.  So I went into my account and tried to deactivate my credit card so they cannot do this again.  You cannot remove your credit card information from the account.  They now have totally deleted my account, so I have no way of knowing what is the status of my order.
I can't tell you how disappointed I was with this service.  Now I am second guessing the other services you advertise, could they be as poorly managed as Relax and radiate.
Thanks if you give any attention to this matter.
Tambre Hornsby
PS I also sent this message to and

I am currently waiting on 2 crates, paid for in June.  Summer crates, it is now the second week in August.  I have contacted relax and radiate several times and was told it was being packed, it's being shipped by XX date, which has since passed!   What can I do?  I cancelled my subscription, but certain expect my paid  for boxes, now I'm not sure I'll get anything!  The girlfriend facebook page is full of non supportive members who laugh and say we (several of us in this predicament) are impatient and to just leave?  Not a supportive, uplifting group at all!  I want no part of this.

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I dropped all their subscription services.  I did finally get the crate but it was 12 weeks late.  They are not supportive. They blocked me and removed me from the group when I started asking too many questions.  It was a very childish group.  It was a mean girl online group.  I also reported it to AARP.  I was told they are not supposed to be using the AARP name.   I would also file a dispute with your bank and let them know you have not received what you ordered. 

Both of the subscription services are from a company called "culturefly". They both have the same issues with shipping on time.  I got two seasonal crates and they were all very late 6-12 weeks past when I should have gotten them.  

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I too had a bad experience with them.  Horrible service and very slow shipping a month late.  They took my money on March 14th and I got my spring box about a week and a half ago.  I was supposed to get the middle of April.  I also subscribe to Luxe and Luminous and I still have not gotten my box from them and the money was taken March 15th.  I get excuses and its suppose to be shipped.  I canceled my subscriptions to both.  The items in the previous were dollarstore junk at best.  Considering the $50 cost and I paid $25 for a past box for it to be 10 weeks late on  R & R and it will be 12 weeks late on the L & L If it actually arrives is unacceptable.  Considering AARPS's good reputation I am surprised they are involved with shady dealings of this company.  Their Facebook groups say it all lots of complaints and questions and if you ask too much they block you.  

Community Concierge

@TambreH851719 I'm terribly sorry to hear about the experience you've had with that product. Have you had an opportunity to email Relax and Radiate for further assistance? Their email address is

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I contacted them.  They gave me nothing but exuses and told me they can cancel.  Then they blocked me from their facebook group.  I still have not gotten my spring box for which I was charged on March 15th.  They are good at making excuses and when you are not happy with the excuses they block you.  The tracknig on my package has been sitting and not moving.  Its suppose to arrive on May 31st.  But the label was created on May 11th.  The carrier did not get the package until May 23rd.  This is a total of 12 weeks from the time I paid until I am suppose to get this box.  Something is terribly wrong here.  


I'm sorry to hear this!  I think I have your same problem.  A company as big as AARP should not be having issues like this.

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Yes, I did email them about my complaint.  And they deleted my entire account, so now I can no longer see my order history.  Hopefully they also removed my credit card information,

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Community Concierge

@TambreH851719  I understand. Have they been able to provide you with an update on your order status?

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