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Gold Conversationalist

It’s Not >>> ALL <<< Right!

I noticed today how inundated we are with ALL the ALL ads...literally everywhere!

And it’s >>>> Not >>> ALL <<< Right!


It’s one thing to have PAID CONTENT ....that is expected... & at least in this example, it’s upfront!


 And it’s one thing to generate income ...but “fair & square”...




l.JPGYet this borders on exclusive promoting of just one brand. How many seniors will shop only for that brand because they think AARP must be saying that this is what we should buy?


But looking in the AARP Tue, May 21, 2024 newsletter, there is a clear reference to suggesting to use only ALL, & no other brand is mentioned anywhere.         

There is also a SHOP NOW link..again not for several brands to compare, but exclusively ALL!


 he most flagrant issue is mentioning to use a good brand for sensitive skin....(is ALL the only one that works?) why aren’t other brands talked about that clearly do as well or better?


"Beauty products and skincare

Common allergens can be found in makeup, lotions, perfumes, and other cosmetics, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Read labels before you buy." <<<The FDA is noted...but they never recommend only one brand over ALL others...they are telling us to COMPARE why aren’t any others highlighted?


"Some detergents contain dyes and fragrances that can irritate skin. Look for a hypoallergenic detergent, such as all® free clear, that tackles impurities* for an effective clean that is gentle on skin."

Then there is yet another link on “WHERE TO BUY”



I’d sure like some feedback from Y’all....this is a saturation that is way overboard & clearly almost what a shill would do ... to act as a spokesperson or promoter.... "who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization."


Esteemed Social Butterfly

@Therapist4u , they got to make money to I guess send us mail we DO NOT want.  🙄🙄🙄


Great topic as usual!!!


Nicole  👵


[*** ALLEN @Therapist4u wrote:

I noticed today how inundated we are with ALL the ALL ads...literally everywhere!

And it’s >>>> Not >>> ALL <<< Right!


It’s one thing to have PAID CONTENT ....that is expected... & at least in this example, it’s upfront!


 And it’s one thing to generate income ...but “fair & square”...




l.JPGYet this borders on exclusive promoting of just one brand. How many seniors will shop only for that brand because they think AARP must be saying that this is what we should buy?


But looking in the AARP Tue, May 21, 2024 newsletter, there is a clear reference to suggesting to use only ALL, & no other brand is mentioned anywhere.         

There is also a SHOP NOW link..again not for several brands to compare, but exclusively ALL!


 he most flagrant issue is mentioning to use a good brand for sensitive skin....(is ALL the only one that works?) why aren’t other brands talked about that clearly do as well or better?


"Beauty products and skincare

Common allergens can be found in makeup, lotions, perfumes, and other cosmetics, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Read labels before you buy." <<<The FDA is noted...but they never recommend only one brand over ALL others...they are telling us to COMPARE why aren’t any others highlighted?


"Some detergents contain dyes and fragrances that can irritate skin. Look for a hypoallergenic detergent, such as all® free clear, that tackles impurities* for an effective clean that is gentle on skin."

Then there is yet another link on “WHERE TO BUY”



I’d sure like some feedback from Y’all....this is a saturation that is way overboard & clearly almost what a shill would do ... to act as a spokesperson or promoter.... "who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with said person or organization." ***]

Gold Conversationalist

Great topic as usual!!!



Your comments are always welcome....




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