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Customer Service Issues

First of all, accessing this message board was not at all intuitive.


Second of all, I experienced a nightmare dealing with customer service today.


It all started with an email asking if I had checked my rewards. Prompted, I tried to login. It wouldn't accept my password, though I knew I hadn't changed it.


I called CS and they said I would have to do "Forgot Password." I didn't want to do it because it creates confusion when I change my password, but I did it anyway so I could login.


Then I went to rewards and found that I entered a sweepstakes that I don't believe I entered and used 2,000 reward points. The rep said fraud was possible since my password was changed. Is it possible I was incorrect? Not sure but from now on I will ask the chat to be sent to my email.


But the fact that the rewards rep was dubious about my explanation, really angered me.


What I wanted to know was who changed my password? I could find no alert about my password change and even went to my trash folder back to Oct 1 and no alert.


So, I asked the fraud dept to investigate and they said there was no way for them to do it.

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