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drop down header

Does. anybody else dislike this drop down header AARP added?

Would anybody else agree to remove it? It find it hampers the games and slows timing by dropping down ALL the is awful..

Periodic Contributor

Completely agree, it is very annoying and I'm close to just finding someplace else to play these games.  Most of them can be found elsewhere.  I also posted about this problem and their response was along the lines of thanks for reporting it and they passed the information on to the developers.  Not holding my breath, don't believe they really care.

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I usually don't write in all caps but...



Gold Conversationalist

Hi John! @JohnB803705

I usually don't write in all caps but...



Take care! ~Allen

Periodic Contributor

I came across your post as I was looking for a way to also complain about the drop-down header.

I thought it was just my playing the game too fast but was questioning that because it never seemed to do that before. I'm so glad others have posted about this.  It's so annoying and really messes up your concentration not to mention you lose precious seconds.

I'm sure AARP appreciates our feedback as users of their site.  Hopefully, these remarks will catch their attention and they can move the header to the bottom as suggested or do some other trick to make accidentally clicking on it go away.  

Periodic Contributor

Six days later and still not fixed.  Ugh!  My glass half-full optimism is quickly fading.

Regular Contributor

I agree. It's hard to play a game when the header pops up accidentally all the time.


Hello Everyone! I hope you all are having a wonderful day. It would be so kind of the members that play the games to maybe identify why they are not bothered by this drop down header..I find it to be in the way soo much, and was really hoping maybe if enough of us responded or suggested perhaps to move this header to the bottom of the screen, where it doesnt interfere with game play so very much. What do you all say? Would you mind a minute or two of your time to agree or suggest the removal or replacement of the drop down header, so it doesn't interfere so much?  It truly is awful. Thank you for your ideas!

Regular Contributor

I don't like it at all, they say it is an upgrade but all it does is get in the way of a game I am playing that doesn't have enough room on a laptop with all of what they want on the page now. All it takes for me is a slight move up to the line and there goes my game. I'm almost 80 and it is difficult to enjoy their website now. My last post like this must have gotten deleted as I can't find it.


Periodic Contributor

Yes. If you mouse accidentally strays up there it obscures the game and you risk open a new page with advertisements. Now the latest thing seems to be that when you finish a game you get a gold star. Like when you were in first grade.

Regular Contributor

Yes even that is annoying! I wish they would leave the games page alone, but they want us to see all their adds and other parts of their site. I've been a member for a very long time but am considering non renewal.


i i agree. most annoying.

Periodic Contributor

This is really great to hear of other folks disenchanted with the "new" set up in games. I played the games regularly, like once a day. Now, they have instituted something called "floating menu".

Every time I play "pool" or "bubble shooter" or "sisters word-search", this "menu" comes down and hides the top 30% of the game! I have to constantly click "close menu" in order to play the game!!! If AARP has so much extra money to fool around with something that was soooo good, and change it to something that is so terrible, maybe they don't need my money any more...

AARP, return to the previous setup, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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