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Right Again! Trivia: Private Friends Network

Now, you can build your own friends network and share scores to see who’s on top each day in Right Again! Trivia. Invite your friends today and start playing — it’s your own personal leaderboard!


And you can do more than just add your friends to your personal Private Friends Network. It's easy to challenge them to see who gets the higher score for each new game — and you can even wager game points! You also have the option to wager up to 300 game points, but wagering isn't necessary to challenge your friends in the Private Friends Network!
Here's how you do it:
1. Make sure you're signed in to the website, either as an AARP Member or with a free registration.
2. Head to the Right Again! Trivia page.
3. On the game page above the leaderboard, you'll find the Private Friends Network. Want to grow your friends list? Click here to learn how!
4. Click "Challenge." You'll see various Game Dates. Then click "View" on the Game Date you want to use.
5. From here, you'll see all your friends. You can click the boxes to challenge a friend, and/or wager 300 game points. (You can challenge a friend without wagering points.)
6. Click "Challenge" to send!
You can challenge as many friends as you want every day. You can send up to three wagers per day, though.
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Regular Contributor

Just giving you a heads-up. Cheating on the Trivia game is easy, and I strongly suspect a few of our less noble friends are doing just that. I don't want to reveal how to cheat, but it's fairly easy if you have a basic knowledge of computing and how the internet works. HINT: It doesn't involve looking up the answers. In fact, you don't even have to know any of the correct answers to get a perfect score. Looking at my score history proves I have never taken advantage of this cheat. I wish some others could also make that claim.

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for sharing your concerns. There are measures in place on Right Again! Trivia to prevent unachievable scores from being posted. We regularly review game leaderboards to ensure scores are legitimate. It’s unfortunate some people don’t play by the rules rather than use the game to test their knowledge and skills.  Thank you for being one of those who embraces fair play.

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