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Bronze Conversationalist

Conversation Topics For Holiday Get Togethers - Respectful and Civil Discussion

  2024 Holiday get togethers will be interesting this year!  Many conversations may start with family talking around things that concern them but they can easily escalate to hateful commentary.  This can happen even when someone mentions the high cost of the meal or the cost to fill the gas tank for travel.


  How do we avoid the 'triggers' of a conversation?  "Nice Day" or "Have a blessed day." can be mistaken by someone just looking to irritate another.


  Topic suggestions?



Bronze Conversationalist



   Weather?  Do you prefer hot or cold?  Do you have more issues if it's raining or snowing?


Bronze Conversationalist

  I prefer cold weather and I don't mind if it's snowing (if I don't have to drive in it).  I just don't have the patience to drive in bad weather.  


Recognized Social Butterfly
Bronze Conversationalist

  @WebWiseWoman Sounds like you are grieving over the holiday.  So sorry you may not be getting the support for your grief.  Sometimes family may not be as supportive as you'd like.



Honored Social Butterfly


Great story of an accidental meet and how the relationship has grown - very touching. 

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Bronze Conversationalist

  Can we talk or suggest -  Favorite, best, worst Holiday movie?


  That always makes me think about the age of the movie.  Some favorite 'holiday' movies are generationally inspired.


Honored Social Butterfly

🦃  HAPPY Thanksgiving @GAKKIEZ  🤗🤗🤗


Glad you are back. Thought you had left/lol  😂🤣

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Bronze Conversationalist

  @Spring2025  Happy Thanksgiving.


  I'm a tougher old bird than that.   



Honored Social Butterfly

Yes you are my friend @GAKKIEZ !!!




By now you should KNOW the Drama Kings & Queens = the ones that will set you up for a bed in the AARP Jail.


WALK AROUND them.  🙃🙃🙃

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Bronze Conversationalist

  Is it considered "safe" to discuss -  Who's missing from the holiday gathering?



Recognized Social Butterfly

My personal opinion is yes, very safe; we lost 102 (and counting) with 52 being immediate then more and more and more... the count will truly never end. Every Thanksgiving, I appreciate and miss every one of them and lost "Christmas" because I would not believe someone/something I appreciated for over 40 years would actually allow someone this horrible to MURDER innocent beings...


End of my discussion; just wanted someone to try to understand what we've been suffering since then. I apologize if I've offended, I truly do...

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Bronze Conversationalist

  @WebWiseWoman  Sounds as if You are the one missing from the table.  Sad. You may need more time to grieve and find professional support?



Recognized Social Butterfly

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Bronze Conversationalist

  @WebWiseWoman I agree, conversation does need to happen but we also need to be respective of the climate of the audience.  How do we converse and respect another persons' trigger point?  


Recognized Social Butterfly
Honored Social Butterfly

@GAKKIEZ wrote:

  Is it considered "safe" to discuss -  Who's missing from the holiday gathering?




Unless the reply is “the ones that voted for XXXXX”   OR the ones that voted against. XXXXXX.


Division doesn’t stop for Turkeys.

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Bronze Conversationalist

  @GailL1  You're right, that could also include identifying those that weren't invited or said they weren't attending.  


  I was 'being nice' in thinking of those that were missing for other reasons.


Bronze Conversationalist

  Would an acceptable conversation topic be about Sports?  Maybe a local team or a sport (pickleball, etc.)?


Honored Social Butterfly

@GAKKIEZ wrote:

  Would an acceptable conversation topic be about Sports?  Maybe a local team or a sport (pickleball, etc.)?


I agree with @papawofboo - sports may not be the best subject especially when you have added the qualities of “civil and respectful” - maybe we need to marry within a team’s roster.  All I know is, you don’t mix a Tiger with a  BullDog or a Gator and come out unscathed - what’s emerges is similar to a  massacre with teeth and hide all over the place.  And now a Fightin’ Irish has been added - LOL.   😆🥴

What about talking about who is the best cook - NO, Do NOT Do That either!!


Bronze Conversationalist

  @GailL1  you're reading my mind.  I was about to bring up a favorite food topic.  Then I thought that would lead someone to mention 'healthy' foods or how to make a favorite food 'healthier'.  That sure can lead to un-healthy conversations!


Trusted Contributor

We once had a lot of Bulldogs, plenty of rebels, then came some tigers from Memphis, a lone Bama fan and then of all things someone had to go marry a Penn State Lion. This was way before they had the play-offs so very few times was there a sure fire winner but ALWAYs a lot of "If we played you we would beat your aaaa".

Papaw of Boo
Trusted Contributor

Want to be careful when talking about college football, down here in the south.

Papaw of Boo
Honored Social Butterfly

Aha @papawofboo , you guys are SERIOUS about this!!!


🦃  HAPPY Thanksgiving.

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Honored Social Butterfly

Hey @GAKKIEZ , not much going on here but LUV your topic my friend!!!  👍👍👍


Lol, I AVOID the "drama" = do not attend. That is my solution.  😉

Bronze Conversationalist

  @Spring2025 sad, but I'm afraid too many others may feel this way and miss out on an opportunity.  



Honored Social Butterfly

Lol @GAKKIEZ , an opportunity for what? Stress?


NO thanks.


For way too many years I "put up" with TOXIC humans NOT realizing I was being INFECTED with them.


Now in my old age, my own company I ENJOY.  🙃🙃🙃

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