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Bronze Conversationalist

Videos not showing or giving any points

I did the following six videos and didn't receive any points for any of them - "You just missed AARP Rewards."


Before I do anything to troubleshoot, I wanted to report this and see if I'm the only one.


During the video, they also showed just the AARP Rewards star badge instead of points.


I'll be back if I find a way to make things Earn points and explain how I fixed it.

  • 5 Strength-Training Moves to Complement Your Walk
  • Denise & Katie Austin’s 5 Ways to Make Fitness a Habit for Life
  • Building Muscle With Braganza
  • Denise & Katie Austin’s 6-Minute Indoor Cardio Workout
  • No Crunches! A Simple Core Workout With Fitness Expert Kathy Smith


Bronze Conversationalist

I've noticed that I sometimes get the star in the badge instead of points when I open a video. The last couple days, I've been able to close the tab and then reopen it to restore the 300 in the badge. Once I see that, I can continue and get my points. After one of those, the next videos usually load correctly, too.


If you see any other workarounds, please describe those for the rest of us to use until the issues are fixed.




BTW: A plate of Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch today just hit the spot. In a while, I think I'll dig into that leftover pecan pie, too. Happy Thanksgiving, Day Two!


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Trusted Social Butterfly


Lynn, the points missing from badge for 1st video of the day is what I've experiencing for more than a week now.  I've been refreshing the first also which delays you by about 2 minutes.  Enjoy those Thanksgiving leftovers😊

@AARPTeri could you please look into this issue?


Have a Blessed Day,



Periodic Contributor

[To Brightpool]:  You are not the only one.  I just searched for a forum topic about this because the ONLY video have watched didn't credit me with any points--even though I was logged in the entire time and my browser is updated and clean and my computer is not old.  Very frustrating to have this kind of time waster happen.  At least the video had some good information, but the carrot was the POINTS, which I did not recieve.  Won't attempt any more videos unless it's something I want to watch just for the sake of watching it (and forgetting about any points that are SUPPOSED to happen).  By the way, my "transaction history" doesn't even show me logging in today (or many other days for that matter), when I did, in fact, log in.  FRUSTRATING!!!!

Bronze Conversationalist

It happened to me with the first video I watch each day.  Now when I go to the first video I look and see if the badge has 300 point in the middle.  If not I hit the refresh button at the top of the page and usually get a badge with the 300 points in it.  Then and only then do I watch the video.  This is a work around but we really shouldn't have to do it.  One of the AARP people on here mentioned this awhile ago.  But my feeling is they know about it, so why don't they get it fixed!

Periodic Contributor

I just completed the video about three essential things to do for a healthy life (skin care, hydrating, and good sleep).  NO POINTS CREDITED at the end.  I was freshly logged in before I navigated to the video and was logged in the entire time I watched the video.  At the end, a message said "you just missed points" and indicated that I should use AARP Rewards.  I looked at the top of my screen, and I was LOGGED IN THE ENTIRE TIME I WATCHED THE VIDEO.  These glitches are annoying and only add to the frustration of the very disappointing "new" rewards program.  I like AARP, but this rewards program has really rubbed me the wrong way.  I barely look at the site any more, and now the one video I watched to attempt to get some new points ended up not crediting ANY points.  THIS NEEDS TO ALL BE FIXED.

Bronze Conversationalist

Solution (I guess):


I closed my browser and let things settle down for a minute and opened my browser and started a fresh AARP Earn session.


The first exercise still showed the Star badge, so I skipped down a screen or two to exercises I hadn't seen, yet, today.  I finally saw badges with points and got my first 300 points at the end of one.


Restarting the browser works, sometimes.



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