AARP Eye Center
Am I the only one having nothing but trouble with this month's extra credit? I have watched the same video many times and answered the same quiz many times and all I get is "Sorry no points this time. We are having technical difficulties processing your request. Try again in a few minutes. Well it is now 45 minutes late and I am still having the same problem.
Yes I was able to get the activities to record as completed. The problem is I had to compete them several times for AARP to recognize it. It should not take over an hour to do 2 videos and 1 quiz unless you have to do them way too many times. Most people on here know what we are doing. But AARP tries to blame us for their website problems that have persisted for months and months.
"I downloaded AARP Perks to assist in staying connected and never missing out on a discount!" -LeeshaD341679