AARP Eye Center
I was really surprised to see the words "August " at 12:30am CST on the extra credits badge this month and for a moment I thought this was going to be an exciting extra credit month. 😀
As usual everything started to go downhill from there. 😫
After watching the very first video I got the message that there was going to be a delay in awarding any points and to check transaction history. Arrghhh !! Say-What ?? 😫 😫
After a few more video's and a quiz, things started to level out and I was able to complete all three lessons. Sadly, the juice was not worth the squeeze. 😡
This month has got to be the most pathetic collection of extra credit rewards ever offered by this administrator. 😱 Additionally, the points only August gift cards listed in the catalog are nothing but a bunch of leftovers from July. We didn't bite the hook 🐟 🐠 then on Dollar Shave Club, Gander Outdoors & Hard Rock Cafe so we get it served up to us again. What is that ole saying that "leftovers are best served cold". And Oh, BTW, later that morning the points actually did appear in Transaction History. Just Saying
Lucy said it best in her initial post:
"This month has got to be the most pathetic collection of extra credit rewards ever offered by this administrator. Additionally, the points only August gift cards listed in the catalog are nothing but a bunch of leftovers from July."
"I downloaded AARP Perks to assist in staying connected and never missing out on a discount!" -LeeshaD341679