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Traveling in 2020

I would love to go somewhere I've never been, when my husband was still with me before he passed away, We had a jar and we'd put our change in it and I called it our Bahamas money for that was my dream vacation 

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Sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. Did you go on your dream trip to the Bahamas? Continue  saving/planning your trips and find someone to accompany you. He wants you to enjoy yourself.

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I'm going to San Francisco and Orlando for events in February and Arkansas sometime this year--one of my last two U.S. states to see (along with Alaska). And, maybe more...we'll see.

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Periodic Contributor

I have found that I can travel solo, or with a friend or bossum buddy. As long as we get along, we're good to go! We do not attach ourselves at the hip, but decide what really rings our bell and we explore that, even if it means we are not together all day. We meet up everyday when we are on our own at a chosen spot and time. We have an emergency text and message set up on advance on our phones.

When I do travel, I set a long trip (20-30 days) with one, maybe two destinations in mind. I rent from Air B&B and I have had zero issues over seas. The longer your reservation window, the cheaper it becomes. I look for a superhost, look at reviews until I'm satisfied, one way or the other, and carefully read the description and then scour the pics for telltale bs. I have never had issues and I do avoid outrageous hotel fees and all-inclusive, but not what I really wanted, costly packages. I study like crazy all about my locations before I go so I know what to do, say and how to stay safe.

I am TSA-pre and have a global travelor ID. Both are inexpensive and good for four years. Airports and customs are never an issue!

By planning and traveling in this manner, I can wander, get to know the place, the history and visit the natural sites as I wish. I take my time and immerse myself into the culture. I love this method and it has never let me down! I'm leaving for LaPaz this week. (and, yes Mexico is safe if you are as careful as you are where ever you go- I live in Chgo, so it's safer that home, LOL) It's a long one, 32 days! I cannot wait!!

Best of luck! 



Diane, the Plant Whisperer
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