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High Blood Pressure

 January 24, 2024


 When I was in my 20s, I had my first migraine. My neighbor drove me to a local

 acupuncture office.  It was my first time, but I was in so much pain I just wanted help.  It

 took 25 minutes and my migraine was gone.  I never had another one. 


 I'm in my 70s and my doctor was concerned about my high blood pressure.  I decided to     start acupuncture to help lower my blood pressure and lower the pain in my knees. It took a few visits and my blood pressure has been 120/68.  The lower number changes a bit, but the 120 remains steady.  My knee pain has decreased to a level 3. 


 On my 3rd visit he asked if I wanted to have more energy.  I said, yes.  When I wake up in

 the morning, I'm wide awake. I now sleep through the night.   


 There was a lady who was having acupuncture to minimize her arthritis pain, she

 mentioned he recently cured her IBS while she was having one of her regular acupuncture. 


 Made sure you go to a good one. I know Yelp has patients' comments regarding doctors'

 care.  Ask your friends to recommend a good one.  Please consult your doctor.  


 I wish you a better New Year. 

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