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Periodic Contributor

Factual Research-based (very understandable) Covid-19 Treaments - A MUST READ and ACT!

You might want to "SAVE YOURSELF!"


What are we up to today 690+ Thousand suffered and died?  

And... in spite of the vaccines, boosters, ??? The virus will be back at our door with new variants.

It it breaks through our defenses WHAT DO WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH IT?   Of the existent treatments, which might be able to stop The US from looking like Inda?




How do you keep from becoming a statistic?


(April 27, 2021)


As always - my opinion, but this lays out the data - EEEEEEEeeeeeeeek !!!

And ... YES, there is/are some answers... but YOU can't use them...unless you start screaming for them.  (But watch the "fat cats" get in line...)


FWIW - Leronlimab (my opinion as usual) works by limiting access to CCR5 a (If I understand this correctly and get the idea across - do YOUR own research!) protein/portal of sorts on the surface of the cell.  And leronlimab is also said to help restore the balance of immunological agents.  Further, it is reported to diminish viral load.  That's what is said - is it true? - I don't know. 

So far, it's down to what increases my and your chance of having breakfast with the grandkids.  

So, it doesn't "work" for everybody - and I don't think they know - why - ( I mean other than obvious bad stuff),  Do your own research! far..seems to work for "most" [whatever most is].


The big thing appears to be >>> you need four injections not just two and each a week apart.  It's even more readily effective if you start with infusion (at least that's what the trial starting in Brazil will be utilizing.  Brazil is "hurting.)"



My opinion, not advice


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Periodic Contributor

A “Very Big Wheel” was given Leronlimab in the Phiiippines.  Ex-President of the Philippines Estrada, who was in dire straits due to Covid-19, was given the injections of leronlimab.  In less than two days the turnaround began. 


Leronlimab saved his life and now he’s at home recovering.  I’m pleased the ex-President of the Philippines is in recovery, but…


How does that compare to our family members, friends, neighbors, colleagues, struggling for each breath or spending months on ventilators just to succumb in the end?


Meanwhile, India is becoming a breeding ground for new troubling variants…check out theTriple-Mutant- Bengal- Strain (which may be over here already). There are concerns whether our new antibodies (from the vaccinations) will recognize and respond to it!


I think WE need and deserve Leronlimab.  An American Drug, from an American company in Washington state.  A drug that’s not approved for YOU.  But do nothing = get nothing. 

My opinion not advice



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Periodic Contributor

A thought...This isn't a debate about something minor.  This is a matter of life and death.  Not that long ago we were in the "pits" and India was doing OK.  We're not out of this thing.


They key is to SPREAD THE WORD!  Send the link to two friends and tell them to do the same, and so on.


Let's work together to keep from losing another half million (?) when the next bout comes around...think about what happens when it gets cold




My opinion - and the Best of Health to All!


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