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Do you suffer from arthritis?  Did you know there are 100's of kinds of arthritis?  Share what alleves your symptons with others.


R.A. with Sjogrens Syndrome and others listed by The Arthritis Foundation, but all musculoskeletal.  Recently started Orencia Infusion with Sulfasalizine tablets as a booster.  Will write back as soon as I can evaluate results of this new therapy. 



I have known that there are about 100 forms of arthritis. If one defines arthritis as an immunological disease, then it is part of that larger community; see: The NIH has defined a wide spectrum of autoimmune diseases; see:


BTW: I have Reiter's Syndrome (a combination of ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis) with recent "expansion" to include osteopenia.

Honored Social Butterfly

Types of arthritis - huh?


Osteo and rheumatoid courtesy of a broken back - lower lumbar and coccyx.

Eight years of relatively pain free, encased in Stainless Steel back brace.

Relatively pain free as I was taking a wide assortment of pain killers, since then a wide assortment of anti-arthritis med's.


The ony thing kinda working at this stage in my life is Celebrex, only problem is it doesn't make my heart happy so, I need blood thinners. Forty plus years of everything under the sun, prescribed or over the counter, trying to find something that I'm not allergic to, that might allow me to walk upright and not scream with each step.


I'm also at the stage where I'm considering Golden Paste.

Turmeric, Coconut oil and black Pepper cracked.


Has anyone tried it, their results?

My dog and I are both about to try some, if I can find the ingredients, nearest health food store is 3 hours drive. 


A recent injury last Wednesday, has me unable to drive to a healthfood store, I live in the woods. I've finally discovered I'm not a youth, walking 50 feet results in a string of nautical expletives. Spent 15 minutes this am, trying to find the ideal plan of exit from my bed, least pain. Can't sit, stand, walk, mumble grumble and starting to the eye the dogs health supplement med, "Pet Wellness Blend"

A proprietary herbal blend of: Certified Organic Amalaki, Certified Organic Boswellia Serrata, Wild crafted Soloman’s Seal Root, Certified Organic Ashwagandha, Certified Organic Eleuthero Root, Certified Organic Devil’s Claw, Certified Organic Hemp Hearts, Certified Organic Curcuma longa, Certified Organic Ginger Root, Glucosamine HCl (shellfish derived) 600 mg. per tsp.


Mowing the front and back lawn should prove interesting - self propelled but, walk behind, Haven't had this much discomfort in 40+ years, except for the occasional barometer of weather changes coming.


Medical marijuana - about all I recall from the 60's "1960's" was the munchies, don't recall pain relief, muscle relaxant perhaps. How's that work and what relief do you gain from it. Tincture or do you smoke it> Curiosity. Does your brain still function at full speed or does that slow down as well.I'll admit a slight buzz would be almost welcome about now, pain killer and 4 Tylenol just aren't cutting it today. And I'm tired of the constant battle of what can I take vs. what will send me scurrying to the ER, incapable of breathing, allergies are a delight.


Original RX -  for aleve sent me on a delightful ride to the B&W in Boston in the back of an ambulance, I have allergies. Kind of makes me fearful of changing things that work (for the most part) vs taking the dreaded journey via ambo on life support or life flight.




And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!

My wife is in the same boat that you are in,I"ve spent all kinds of money for things that Don"t work! Still looking!
Honored Social Butterfly

As of now, I'm sticking with Celebrex 200 mg 2x  per day, and sweet mutha relief in the form of Turmeric,Black Pepper, Ceylon Cinnamon, Coconut Oil and water = Golden Paste. Taken internally.


on AARP, for "Turmeric and Black Pepper"


I know I added a link to my fix (hey, part of these posts mentioned pot), and thus far I finally have relief without the increase to 800 Mg of Celebrex.


My dog and I are both taking our doses and improving.



And yes, after long days/nights, I'd still like to swing these hunks of glass , plastic and silicon against the nearest wall Come on retirement!
Super Contributor

As you age every ache or pain is considered arthritis because there are so many different kinds.  I think it's a catch-all phrase but, for mine, I use Alleve & that's rarely because doctors have been finding what helps pain damages something else.


Do we just "grin & bear it"?


Everyone one is different and deals with thier pain in varying ways but I find great relief from my arthritic pain with medical cannabis. No artificial or man made chemicals that at a minimum upset my stomach and at the extreme cause that foggy addictive feeling!
I also save money, actually sleep better and am not dependent on otc or prescription pain relievers.
Good luck in your search for relief this has works wonders for me!

I used to use marijuana (MJ) years ago when I started methotrexate (MTX) 42 years ago. MJ qieted my stomach, allowed me to keep food down, and allowed my mind to minimize the pain; e.g., painful and sharp "twitches" became someone's fingernails scratching the affected area.

I have not used MJ for the past 20 years or so. I have been taking more drugs for arthritis, asthma, and the nasty after effects of VIOXX. When I asked my rheumie about restarting MJ for my increasing pain, he advised against it because not enough research had occurred regarding its interactions with other drugs. Since the "wise men" in the government classified MJ as a Class 1 drug along with heroin, morphine, etc., if someone were to study those interactions, he would have to go through "hoops". BTW: If MJ is such a gateway drug, how come no one has linked the recent outbreak of opioid deaths with previous use of MJ? If there were a previous outbreak of MJ use before this opioid disaster, how come no one noticed it? Could it be there wasn't an outbreak of MJ? OR ... could it be the government and Big Pharma need to protect their interests?

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