AARP Eye Center
Hi all,
I have heard a lot of information about ankle weights and how they can help you strengthen your upper or lower body.
As far as I can tell, adding some ankle weights to simple leg raises and other things I can do at home would help make those exercises a little more challenging.
Curious if anyone here has had good results or understands the benefits of ankle weights?
They are to me. Ankle and wrist weights. And you need only the minimum weight (2 pound). They're also good for wearing during aerobic exercise. We have a number of us, in a step class, using wrist weights. I don't think you'd want ankle weights for aerobics --- could interfere with footing. I know they're out there, but at my age, I think I might have balance issue while doing aerobics.
It's amazing how such a small amount of weight makes you work harder.
As a fitness trainer I just need to add a warning about using ankle and wrist weights during classes, etc. If you already have had back or joint injuries you may need to consult with a doctor or trainer first. It is then impairitive that you use correct form and not overdo use.
I wear ankle weights on 2-5 mile walks to great effect.
I wear 4 pounds (2 pounds each leg) sometimes for 4-7 hours while doing my regular daily stuff.
Caveat: I'm an in shape athlete.
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