AARP Eye Center
Hello to all. I would be curious to know how many of you, if any are first time parents in your 50s. I early retired from heath care a few years ago. My wife and I finally had our son enter this world 3 years ago. I'm now a stay at home dad and wonder how if this group is appearing to grow. Different parts of the country have different views due to traditionalism. Yes, I'm prepared for both positive and negative responses.
Not the same position as you. But my youngest is 11. Several men around here stay at home. One guy was enlisted in the military but his wife was a doctor in the military. She was making more money so he stayed at home til the youngest was in middle school. The other guy was a teacher and his wife was a partner in a law firm. She travelled a lot. The other guy retired from the military and his wife was a lawyer. He stayed home until their kid was kindergarten. I guess the theme is the wifeโs job either has crazy hours or lots of travel. Except the retired military guy. So having someone stay home is more cost effective than a nanny.
Thanks for your feedback .
My wife is a doctor in a local hospital here. The comments from people at times make us shake our heads.
From our understanding there are some cities with stay at home dad groups with 1000-1500 members. Not here in the Sourh. Lol
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