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Wireless transfer file between Windows 10 PC and Galaxy phones

There is a easy way to transfer files between Windows 10 PC and Galaxy phones. Forget the USB cable, using email attachments, paying for addition software or apps. That is by using "Link to Windows" app on your Galaxy phone and "Your Phone" apps on Windows 10 PC. Both devices must be connected to the same wifi network. Here is one of the links that describes the process:

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There is also an app called WIFI File transfer pro. I have had that app for a few years. You aim your browser toward the phone's IP address plus port number :1234 and it will allow you to do this. The "however" is that you need to be in tune with the file structure of the phone. Like if you want to find that last picture you took of Fluffy, it is in DCIM and then a subfolder, either "camera" if you have not moved it to a folder, or the name of the folder. Plus you need to know to look for "Emulated" to access the SD card in the phone. It takes a few minutes of exploring but in the end it is simple. I am aware that "simple" is relative and I have been using it for a fair amount of time. 


Just another option. I try to avoid Windows sponsored/created apps when I can because Microsoft often doesn't play nice and suddenly free apps become sponsored and then sometimes become pay to play apps. And remember, if your phone is synced to your computers, Microsoft may be able to look at your phone to find advertising opportunities. The Your Phone app DOES offer control of phone functions beyond file sync and on the bigger screen of your monitor as sc10 pointed out in their reply. Personal mileage will vary. As it is now I don't make calls from my phone, opting for a VOIP phone like Google Voice and Text Now, but that's just me.

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Actually, this process is more than syncing files. You can do quite a bit of the phone activities like making phone calls, text messaging, even running apps on the PC with the advantage of a bigger screen.

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