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Windows 10 20H1 Coming Soon

Windows 10 20H1 should soon be available. Check out this video showing the changes to Windows 10.





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Trusted Social Butterfly

As usual, Microsoft institutes error fraught, frivolous features while avoiding serious improvements that were technologically possible for the last 20 years.


For example:


1. Put On/Off in the right click context menu of the internet connection icon on the Task Bar, i.e., this:


You need a quick disconnect for security purposes.


2. Provide a simple unified method for easy editing of context menus.  This could be accomplished by right clicking an item in a context menu that would bring up another context menu to edit the first.  For example, consider the context menu for image files in File Explorer:




Bear in mind that third party programs can add items to this menu therefore my list is atypically short.  The only items that I use in that menu are Delete, Rename, Open With and Properties.  I use Delete 99% of the time which is often.  I want to remove everything else from that menu because they unnecessarily increase the distances that I have to move my mouse cursor.  Ironically, Microsoft XP said "You have unused icons on your desktop." when they should have said, "You have unused items in your menu."


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Social Butterfly

@aruzinsky    From your post I'm not sure if your using Windows 10 or the old XP.


A right click on Start in Windows 10 and then point your mouse pointer at Shut down or sign out and then Shut down. See example image below. Your just having to use the other end of the taskbar. There are other shortcuts for shutting down if one wants to use them, such as, Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the keyboard.




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Trusted Social Butterfly

@cat0w wrote:

@aruzinsky    From your post I'm not sure if your using Windows 10 or the old XP.


A right click on Start in Windows 10 and then point your mouse pointer at Shut down or sign out and then Shut down. See example image below. Your just having to use the other end of the taskbar. There are other shortcuts for shutting down if one wants to use them, such as, Ctrl+Alt+Delete on the keyboard.




Your reply has absolutely nothing to do with anything I said. And I am amazed that anyone would have such confidence in their gross misinterpretation of what I said to produce such an elaborate irrelevant reply.


My mention of XP was only to show that Microsoft has been consistently ergonomically inept for the last 20 years.   My screen captures are obviously from Win 10.


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Social Butterfly

@aruzinsky    Why not become a Windows Insider, if not one already, and provide feedback. Maybe you will get the changes you would like to see.


For turning wifi on/off sorry I got it wrong, I was thinking about shutting down the computer. Here is how my wifi looks and how I shut it off and back on. When it is off I click on the globe icon then wifi to turn it back on. If I want to turn it off I click on the taskbar wifi icon and then the wifi box. I am on my Desktop at this time.


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Trusted Social Butterfly

@cat0w wrote:

@aruzinsky    Why not become a Windows Insider, if not one already, and provide feedback. Maybe you will get the changes you would like to see.


For turning wifi on/off sorry I got it wrong, I was thinking about shutting down the computer. Here is how my wifi looks and how I shut it off and back on. When it is off I click on the globe icon then wifi to turn it back on. If I want to turn it off I click on the taskbar wifi icon and then the wifi box. I am on my Desktop at this time.


My internet connection is with an ethernet cable.  It is good that you can easily disconnect your wifi but the on/off interface should be the same for every kind of internet connection and it should take no more than 2 clicks.  For that matter, the icon should be the same for every kind of internet connection.


Your bringing up shutting down the computer got me thinking that it should take one click.  The program icons in the start menu can be dragged and pinned to the task bar where they can be opened with one click.  It would be easy for Microsoft to provide separate programs with icons for shutting down, sleep and restarting the computer.  Then the user could pin those icons to the task bar and use one click to run one.


If I tell Microsoft to do something that they should have thought of by themselves 20 years ago, they would come up with some far fetched explanation of why it wasn't a mistake.  Remember the fairy tale, The Emperor's New Clothes?  It's like telling the Emperor that he is naked.  The Emperor would tell you that his clothes are invisible.




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