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Honored Social Butterfly

Are The AARP Consumer Care Responses Chat AI/Chatbot?

I've noticed (what I consider to be) 'bot' or 'canned' responses lately, from @AARPConsumerCare.


These responses are quite generic (obviously 'programmed' based on certain keywords), and seemingly ill-fitted to the original poster's (OP's) post. What is going on? 


Is @AARPConsumerCare an AI Chatbot? Is this a new AARP AI tool being used in the AARP forum?


And, when will 'we' (users and/or 'concerned members') stop being AARPs' guinea pigs for every new feature that's rolled out? Only to be given 'canned' responses with every concern. This is 'live' tweaking before our very eyes. Call it beta, call it whatever you want...but this is only the beginning. If you're not concerned, you're not paying attention.


Thanks, in advance, for any input (and hopefully there'll be no AI Chatbot/'canned' responses here).

⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑... ⌞What the GLITCH!⌝ ... ⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑(っ ͡ ͡° - ͡ ͡° ς)
Bronze Conversationalist

Perhaps not only from @AARPConsumerCare. either. 


@KellytheBelly wrote:

I've noticed (what I consider to be) 'bot' or 'canned' responses lately, from @AARPConsumerCare.



Honored Social Butterfly

@Tempest332  - Artificial? Most definitely. Intelligent? Perhaps not. Needs more work. 😉 


@Tempest332 wrote ‎07-03-2024 07:13 PM:

Perhaps not only from @AARPConsumerCare. either. 


@KellytheBelly wrote ‎03-21-2024 07:25 AM:

I've noticed (what I consider to be) 'bot' or 'canned' responses lately, from @AARPConsumerCare.


⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑... ⌞What the GLITCH!⌝ ... ⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑(っ ͡ ͡° - ͡ ͡° ς)
Bronze Conversationalist

More like obvious, I'm disappointed they would prey or test on the supposeve elderly. 

0 Kudos
Honored Social Butterfly

(3/21/24) Great topic @KellytheBelly and one I am sure @AARPConsumerCare will "ignore" = answers only what AARP wants to help with.


I am NOT sure what is going on here on this site in 2024 but it seems LESS for us.


[1] This whatever has "replied" to me with an Invitation to go to a LINK to tell AARP about my concerns regarding HARTFORD. Hmmm, never used them, will NEVER based on ALL the years of COMPLAINTS about them on THIS SITE. I "corrected" them the 2 times this happened by posting a comment. Received 1 apology which I graciously accepted.  🙄  NO response or apology for 2nd incident. Oh well, I am used to being ignored by AARP...  👍


[2] I notice AARPLynne's profile said she RETIRED and it seems AARPHannah has taken that slot = in charge of this site.


[3] AARPJanelle NO longer "responds" in her name but if you look at END of the @AARPConsumerCare POSTS, she has "signed" some as Janelle M. So has a Sue J, Stephen - forget his initial and several OTHER employees.


I hope you get some feedback from other members as this is important and one we all need to let AARP know we have noticed.  👵

Honored Social Butterfly

Thanks for your reply. Yes, your observations are indeed mine. I also had a reply from Stephen K. w/ @AARPConsumerCare, that was out of left field, and not even close to what I wrote originally. I never asked for assistance. 


I just get this vision of people (volunteers, employees 'in training,' outsourced (or not) in other countries (where English is not a native language), etc...) and have a rebuttal script they can copy and paste, or are actually a programmed AI Chatbot. My concern is really the latter. AI programs replacing actual employees/warm bodies is a big concern of mine. We do not want this to be our future, where everything is automated. No bedside manner. No common courtesy. 'Us' versus a computer.


And, maybe it's old-fashioned to expect people to act like there's some care and concern in the way of reading, listening, understanding, and responding (someone with a heartbeat). Not that it's a race, or there's some customer service quota involved, either. 


It's just weird. The responses I'm seeing from @AARPConsumerCare, most of them do not apply to the original post.


Anyway, just wanted to share my observation(s). Thanks for sharing yours, too!




@Winter2024 wrote:

(3/21/24) Great topic @KellytheBelly and one I am sure @AARPConsumerCare will "ignore" = answers only what AARP wants to help with.


I am NOT sure what is going on here on this site in 2024 but it seems LESS for us.


[1] This whatever has "replied" to me with an Invitation to go to a LINK to tell AARP about my concerns regarding HARTFORD. Hmmm, never used them, will NEVER based on ALL the years of COMPLAINTS about them on THIS SITE. I "corrected" them the 2 times this happened by posting a comment. Received 1 apology which I graciously accepted.  🙄  NO response or apology for 2nd incident. Oh well, I am used to being ignored by AARP...  👍


[2] I notice AARPLynne's profile said she RETIRED and it seems AARPHannah has taken that slot = in charge of this site.


[3] AARPJanelle NO longer "responds" in her name but if you look at END of the @AARPConsumerCare POSTS, she has "signed" some as Janelle M. So has a Sue J, Stephen - forget his initial and several OTHER employees.


I hope you get some feedback from other members as this is important and one we all need to let AARP know we have noticed.  👵

⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑... ⌞What the GLITCH!⌝ ... ⭑ ๋࣭ ⭑(っ ͡ ͡° - ͡ ͡° ς)
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