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Woman HappyWoman LOL   I alone, care for my husband who suffers from so many things. He is in a wheel chaie most of the time. He has Parkinson's, ITP (a blood disorder which entails an injection of N Plate once per month to keep his platelets up ) , a thyroid condition, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He cannot contrl his urine and on occasion, bowel movements. He also suffers from a mild dementia so he cannot control medications or our finances.  Believe it or not, I keep my spirits high. Although, at times, I feel depressed and pray everyday that my health holds up.  We both try to keep a possitive attitude. He knows how difficult it is for me and thanks me all the time. We've been married 61 years and love each other very much. Despite all this, we take trips now and then. As difficult as that may be, we enjoy them and look forward to more trips. Of course I drive . I must keep driving  because of many trips to doctors. The only problem I am facing noe, is that there are 6 steps  to get to our car. He barely makes them up and down. I woeey that one day he will not be able to make them.   We just take one day at a time.



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Community Manager
Community Manager



Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. First, let us congratulate you on 61 years of marriage. That is an amazing testament to love. We are happy to read that you both are staying positive and getting respite through trips. Where do you both travel together? 


You write that your husband is in a wheel chair and he has trouble going up and down the steps. Does he use a cane for that? Or are you assisting him? Is there anyway to have a ramp installed? 


Here are some links that I think may be of use: 


Remodeling a Home to be a Lifelong Home

Homefit Guide - 

Mobility Videos - scroll to the bottom of the page


You also indicate that your husband has a mild form of dementia. We have a Dementia Care Guide that I think might be of use to you. 


Please us know if these resources work for you. 

Please also come back and let us know how you are doing. 


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Community Concierge

@paulapalmtreesfla123 wrote:

Woman HappyWoman LOL   I alone, care for my husband who suffers from so many things. He is in a wheel chaie most of the time. He has Parkinson's, ITP (a blood disorder which entails an injection of N Plate once per month to keep his platelets up ) , a thyroid condition, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He cannot contrl his urine and on occasion, bowel movements. He also suffers from a mild dementia so he cannot control medications or our finances.  Believe it or not, I keep my spirits high. Although, at times, I feel depressed and pray everyday that my health holds up.  We both try to keep a possitive attitude. He knows how difficult it is for me and thanks me all the time. We've been married 61 years and love each other very much. Despite all this, we take trips now and then. As difficult as that may be, we enjoy them and look forward to more trips. Of course I drive . I must keep driving  because of many trips to doctors. The only problem I am facing noe, is that there are 6 steps  to get to our car. He barely makes them up and down. I woeey that one day he will not be able to make them.   We just take one day at a time.


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. First, let me congratulate you on 61 years of marriage. That is an amazing testament to love. I am happy to read that you both are staying positive and getting respite through trips. Where do you both travel together? 


You write that your husband is in a wheel chair and he has trouble going up and down the steps. Does he use a cane for that? Or are you assisting him? Is there anyway to have a ramp installed? 


I've pulled together some links that I think may be of use: 


Remodeling a Home to be a Lifelong Home

Homefit Guide

Mobility Videos - scroll to the bottom of the page


You also indicate that your husband has a mild form of dementia. We have a Dementia Care Guide that I think might be of use to you. 


Please let me know if these resources work for you. 

Please also come back and let us know how you are doing. 

Caregiving Concierge
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Community Concierge

@paulapalmtreesfla123 wrote:

Woman HappyWoman LOL   I alone, care for my husband who suffers from so many things. He is in a wheel chaie most of the time. He has Parkinson's, ITP (a blood disorder which entails an injection of N Plate once per month to keep his platelets up ) , a thyroid condition, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He cannot contrl his urine and on occasion, bowel movements. He also suffers from a mild dementia so he cannot control medications or our finances.  Believe it or not, I keep my spirits high. Although, at times, I feel depressed and pray everyday that my health holds up.  We both try to keep a possitive attitude. He knows how difficult it is for me and thanks me all the time. We've been married 61 years and love each other very much. Despite all this, we take trips now and then. As difficult as that may be, we enjoy them and look forward to more trips. Of course I drive . I must keep driving  because of many trips to doctors. The only problem I am facing noe, is that there are 6 steps  to get to our car. He barely makes them up and down. I woeey that one day he will not be able to make them.   We just take one day at a time.


Thank you for sharing your story with us. First, I would like to congratulate you and your husband on 61 years of marriage - what an amazing commitment and testament to love!

I happy to read that you both are trying to stay positive in this demanding and sometimes difficult journey. It is so important to keep your spirits up and have respite, which it seems you both do in the form of traveling. Where do you both go together?

I would like to point you to some of our resources that may be able to help. First, you indicated that he is having trouble maneuvering stairs. Are you able to install a ramp for easier access to the car?

We have some resources below that may help you make this decision:

Remodeling a Home to be a Lifelong Home

Homefit Guide - Smart solutions for making your home comfortable, safe and a great fit.


We also have some wonderful videos on mobility that you might find useful. (Please scroll toward the bottom of the page.)


Finally, you indicated that your husband is suffering from mild dementia. Please take a moment to read our Care Guide on Dementia.


I do hope you find this information useful.


Please write back and let us know how you are doing.



Caregiving Concierge
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Community Concierge

@paulapalmtreesfla123 wrote:

Woman HappyWoman LOL   I alone, care for my husband who suffers from so many things. He is in a wheel chaie most of the time. He has Parkinson's, ITP (a blood disorder which entails an injection of N Plate once per month to keep his platelets up ) , a thyroid condition, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. He cannot contrl his urine and on occasion, bowel movements. He also suffers from a mild dementia so he cannot control medications or our finances.  Believe it or not, I keep my spirits high. Although, at times, I feel depressed and pray everyday that my health holds up.  We both try to keep a possitive attitude. He knows how difficult it is for me and thanks me all the time. We've been married 61 years and love each other very much. Despite all this, we take trips now and then. As difficult as that may be, we enjoy them and look forward to more trips. Of course I drive . I must keep driving  because of many trips to doctors. The only problem I am facing noe, is that there are 6 steps  to get to our car. He barely makes them up and down. I woeey that one day he will not be able to make them.   We just take one day at a time.


Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. You indeed seem like a strong, loving wife and I just have to commend you and your husband on 61 years of marriage. Wow, that is just so lovely and incredible. I am happy to hear that your spirits are high, despite the demand and difficult moments. It's also good to know that you both frequently take trips together, giving you something to look forward to - that break up in your routine is good for both your souls. I'm sorry to hear that he's having problem with the steps. You said he is in a wheel chair, correct? Is there a way to have a ramp installed in your home to make access to the car easier? 

We have some really great resources on how to make your home more livable. First, there's THIS STORY on remodeling, which includes tips for all types of needs (steps, doors, cabinets). Secondly, we have THIS STORY on how to make your home more comfortable and safe. Thirdly, here is a LINK to order a HOME FIT guide. 


We also have some great video tutorials for mobility issues HERE.


Finally, I wanted to point your attention to our Dementia Care Guide which may be of use to you in taking care of your husband. 


Please let me know if any of these resources are helpful and please come back to let us know how you are doing. I am sure other members of the community will chime in with additional tips/ideas on how to help your husband maneuver the steps. 


Take care!


Caregiving Concierge
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