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Move from nursing home to home care?

Hi, and apologies if this has been covered. I want to move my dad from the nursing home he's been in for less than a week. I want to bring him to my home. Am talking with his elder-law attorney and Hospice but also seek community thoughts. Has anyone else done this? 


Dad is 90, has dementia, incontinence, won't eat much, and needs help getting to and from the bed to wheelchair. He went on Hospice care last month (January 2020). He was in assisted living, but since Christmas went downhill rapidly. The ALF said he had to leave. They don't have a license for skilled nursing care. I had to put a 24/7 CNA watch on him for his final 3 weeks there. I also visited daily. 


Nobody but nobody had a long-term bed available except one place. (I called 10 nursing homes in a 4-city radius.) Not here to point fingers, but the place he's in has nice staff but is a run-down facility. I suspect his Medicaid status is keeping availability options down. Have others encountered similar? 


My husband and I can look after Dad but we're limited in what we can do physically. Dad pretty much just sleeps. Yesterday I was able to get him out of his wheelchair and back into the nursing home bed after I took him out for some fresh air. So I know I can do that. Would appreciate hearing what others' experiences have been and any tips/advice. Thanks.


Gerri in Florida.

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Have him come home where he will be happier.   Reach out to your community and see if you can find someone to come in to your home and give ADLs.   They can prepare meals, assist with showers and dressing.   Good luck. 


We have had him home with us for a week now. It's challenging, to be sure. But it's my Dad. I want what's best for him. Hospice has been a big help with equipment, nurse, aides for bathing, and with helping me coordinate things. Right now I'm settling Dad into a routine. Once that's in place, I plan to bring in supplemental home health assistance a couple of times a week to give my hip a break. Next week, it'll be 3 months since I had a total hip replacement. My husband has health issues so he can't lift Dad alone either. But together, we manage, and Dad helps us help him as much as he can.

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