AARP Eye Center
Do Medicare + Social Security both honor documents prepared by an attorney? I've had a Power of Attorney for Health Care and Finances + Will prepared by a licensed attorney in my state (Washington), but I'm concerned that these organizations don't honor such documents. (I'm talking about when someone 1) dies or 2) becomes incapacited.
1) If someone dies, a funeral director reports the person’s death to Social Security (must have the deceased’s Social Security number). What else is required of my executor? Will Medicare honor documents (such as a Will) prepared by an attorney?
2) If the person becomes incapacitated (cannot use the computer + or sign documents), what's required of my Power of Attorney? Will Medicare honor my PoA documents prepared by an attorney or do I need to sign something else from Medicare?
@madhuri9 In response to your questions:
AARP has a lot of great information on the website at these links:
I hope this is helpful information! I'm sure our other experts and other caregivers will also have some great info to share. Let us know if you have any other specific questions.
Hang in there - I can feel your stress - it's great you are thinking ahead about these things. You're doing your best and gathering information - feel good about that! You're a step ahead by even asking the right questions. You will handle everything.
Take care,
Amy Goyer, AARP Family & Caregiving Expert
Author, Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving and
Color Your Way Content When Caring for Loved Ones
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