AARP Eye Center
This Medicare page should explain it to you - - WHAT’S MEDICARE?
You have to have Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance), Medicare Part B (doctors, durable medical equipment, etc).and Medicare Part D ( Prescription Drug Program) in order to decide how you want to get your Medicare benefits -
You will pay a premium penalty for late sign up in Part B and Part D -
You will pay a premium surcharge based on your income for Part B and Part D - this is called the The Income Related-Monthly Adjustment Amount (IRMAA).
You have to have Medicare Part B in order along with Part A in order to choose and buy a Medicare Advantage plan or have access to this coverage under Traditional or Original Medicare.
I really don't know about pushing more when there is cataract surgery but I do know a lot of people that do go ahead and have it done. Have they been pleased with their decision of paying for this extra fix - I'm getting mixed reviews.
Cataract Surgery has always been a lucative surgery for those whom are afflicted with them the most, Think that goes for either way that you get your Medicare benefit - Traditional or Medicare Advantage. Now I do hear of great outcomes for just the cataract surgery and normal lense replacement. OH, the colors, OH, somebody turned on the lights !! Haven't yet been advised to get this surgery - and I have already out lasted (2) Ophthalmologist to retirement.
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