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AARP Expert

Happy National Caregivers Day!

Today National Caregivers Day! THANK YOU for all you do to care for family members and friends! Whether you have cared for loved ones in the past, are currently caregiving or will be in the future (that's everyone in the world pretty much - right?!) You are ALL superheroes! Caregiving is a gift of the heart. Despite the challenges and stress, 83% of caregivers say it has been a positive experience overall..png


Now do something especially nice for yourself today and give yourself credit for what you do/have done/will do! You choose to care - everything is a choice - so feel good about that! None of us are perfect caregivers, and there are many ups and downs - but you show up and you get up when you get knocked down and you keep going alongside your loved ones. You ride the waves! You are a champion!!! Feel the joy!

AARP Expert

@FinckhC574401 wrote:

National Caregivers Day is observed annually on the third Friday in February. Across the nation dedicated health care professionals serve  those who require long-term or hospice care. 

Hey there, C Finckh, are you one of those dedicated health care professionals? Or has one of your loved ones experienced the blessing and grace of excellent long term care or hospice care? It is indeed so important to acknowledge good care, praise and support those who provide it, and make sure people in the wide world know that, if we are lucky enough to grow old, we are all in this together. We deserve good care.


Thank you for writing. Tell us more?


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I am a caregiver for my spouse who has been diagnosed with early onset Dementia.  It hard sometimes because sometimes he seems fine, but other times he needs complete steady directions to accomplish simple tasks. I make all his appiontments, reorder/setup meds as well as finances and a bath calender!! Last year I took some days off out of state for relaxing.  I just have to trust God that He will give me the strength I need daily.  Looking forward to my next "ME DAYS" in the spring.

AARP Expert

@ladyvlg You are a superhero!! I’m glad to hear that you took some time away (I call that a “tune up”!) I think it’s crucial to do that a MINIMUM of once a year (preferably much more often!) 


ive cared for my Grandparents, sister, both parents and misc other family members. My Dad had Alzheimer’s (much later onset). He lived with me for more than 9 years. He was so courageous! He could do so much even up until his final day he was walking. He was 94 and very advanced Alzheimer’s. He got massage once a week and acupuncture, reiki etc and I believe those things helped a lot. 


Everyones Alzheimers journey is different, and it’s definitely a journey for we who are caregivers too! 


Many kudos do’s and warm hugs to you! 


Amy Goyer, AARP Family & Caregiving Expert 

Author, Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving 

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