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Disabled low income senior caring for grown special needs son (only child)



I feel all alone.  We may lose our two bedroom fixer upper (only property) because I

cannot afford the high property taxes in Montgomery County, MD.  The people in

power here just seem to care about wealthy non-disabled people.  

Social Security claims I owe them over $13,000 and my son has been permanently

removed from the Developmental Disabilities Administration waiting list.  There

seems to be no hope.  


AARP Expert

Hello:  I'm so sorry this is happening.  Financial stress can create such a helpless, gnawing feeling.  It's heartening that you reached out here; hopefully we can collectively point you in a direction where you can get some specialized help and hopefully feel less alone in this struggle. 


Your State has pro bono legal aid.  Access the Maryland Legal Aid Website by clicking here.  There is an online form you can fill out and a phone number to call.  It appears they have one-on-one clinics as well as free legal services for financially eligible people. 


These numbers may also be helpful for you:

Foreclosure Legal Assistance Project
(888) 213-3320
Long-Term Care Assistance Project
(866) 635-2948
Maryland Senior Legal Helpline
(866) 635-2948


Also, take a look at the Arc's website here.  There is an extensive list of resources for disabled and special needs Maryland residents.  


Please keep us posted.  All the best to you for better days ahead. 

Amanda Singleton
All posts are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. The posting and viewing of the information in this community should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or tax advice in any particular circumstance or fact situation. The information presented may not reflect the most current legal developments. An attorney should be contacted for advice on specific legal issues. Nothing written in this community is intended to create an attorney‑client relationship. An attorney-client relationship may only be established through direct attorney‑to‑client communication that is confirmed by the execution of an engagement agreement.
AARP Expert

@1985pindat wrote:



I feel all alone.  We may lose our two bedroom fixer upper (only property) because I

cannot afford the high property taxes in Montgomery County, MD.  The people in

power here just seem to care about wealthy non-disabled people.  

Social Security claims I owe them over $13,000 and my son has been permanently

removed from the Developmental Disabilities Administration waiting list.  There

seems to be no hope.  


You've received some great advice already. Since you are a senior, I'd check out the agency that covers your area, by going to, and typing in your zip code, then make an appointment to be seen by one of the social workers. It's probably located in Rockville. I also agree with your other responder to try your local representatives, the constituent services person. Because you need an advocate that will take a 'big picture' approach.


I am so sorry. Perhaps even an attorney at Legal Services could help? It sounds like a tangle. 


Please keep us all posted? Ask questions? We have a legal expert on this site, too. Hang in there and good luck!


Honored Social Butterfly

@1985pindat wrote:



I feel all alone.  We may lose our two bedroom fixer upper (only property) because I

cannot afford the high property taxes in Montgomery County, MD.  The people in

power here just seem to care about wealthy non-disabled people.  

Social Security claims I owe them over $13,000 and my son has been permanently

removed from the Developmental Disabilities Administration waiting list.  There

seems to be no hope.  


Hi, have you talked to the County about this?  They are better situated to help you than the State is.   


There is a senior housing tax credit if you are 65 and over.

There is also a property tax deferral program.


For services for the disabled, there are various County programs in place:


For County services, it also helps to contact your district Councilmember.  They will advocate for you.


For State services, your state senator or delegate will do the same thing.

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