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Did you Know that 40% of Caregivers are Men?

Community Concierge

Did you Know that 40% of Caregivers are Men?

Recently, AARP released a report, "Breaking Stereotypes: Spotlight on Male Family Caregivers" that highlighted the increase in male family caregivers. Today, nearly 40% of family caregivers are men. 


"In many respects, male caregivers resemble their female counterparts. Both say they had little choice about taking on caregiving responsibilities, whether they are caring for a parent, a spouse or partner, or other relative. Both are more prone to health problems and depression than non-caregivers. Both often not only manage finances and medical care, but also provide personal care, including helping their loved one with eating, bathing, dressing and toileting.

But the AARP report — based on focus groups convened around the country — suggested that there might be some differences between male and female caregivers, too."


READ HERE to learn more about those differences. 




If you're a male caregiver, share your story with us here. 

Caregiving Concierge
Honored Social Butterfly

@Jen - As a caregiver multiple times, I'm surprised by that high % of male caregivers! I haven't read the article, but my guess is that men become caregivers, when there's no female "available" in the family.


When my grandmother had a series of small strokes in her 80s, although the 4 working children shared the costs of an aide, it was my Mom & I who covered 99% of the rest of the time; her son never offered hands-on assistance. Even when married male relatives' parents needed assistance, it was their wives who did most of the legwork.

Registered on Online Community since 2007!
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Community Concierge

Indeed it is very suprising @EveRH! I think that's why we've built a whole campaign around the male caregiver this year. 


Check out this new PSA from the Ad Council. 


Caregiving Concierge
Honored Social Butterfly

I did not know this. However this morning I saw the article and realized that yesterday while out on the bike trail, we saw two male caregivers in action.


One was a 60-something riding alongside his his 80-something father, who was happily pedaling an upright trike. The elder gent was interested in our recumbent trikes, so we stopped to chat and were told they ride each day weather permits. The other was a 40-something gentleman who'd taken a 30-something developmentally disabled man to a trailside park. They were interested in our recumbent trikes, so we got to chat with them as well.





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