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Have you ever had a head injury?

Have you ever had a head injury?  Do you remember being knocked out?  Tell us how you were knocked out.


Research shows 16% 40 6 percent of Americans 40 and older have been knocked unconscious from a head injury,   Read more here -


Unfortunatley yes, twice.

The first time when I was 13 (1964) I was thrown from a horse and got pinned between the horse and the barn when he started kicking, and yes I got my brains kicked in. I was in I C U for 30 days and that left me with little memories of my childhood up to that time.


The 2nd time when I was 38 I fell out of a car at 25 M P H and landed on my head, did not wake up for 2 days, crushed the left side of my head and face, that one left me with unusual memory problems, comes and goes.


Although I do have memory problems and dizzy spells to this day I have to honestly say if it was not for the grace of GOD I would not be here today functioning as good as I am and I am very thankful for that!


I know this is hard to believe, but family members know it to be true and hard to believe what little problems I have, when it could have been so much worse, and again, I can't say it enough Thank GOD

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Unfortunately I have had 3 concussions I can remember and a hairline fractured skull for which I was hospitalised. I now have some memory loss on occasion, but since these occured before age 25 and I am now 67, not sure whether the loss is from that or just life. I never felt limited by it though, even though the US military deferred me twice physically.

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It is crazy. It's been 3 months since my brain injuries occurred, and my memory and time perception is extremely impaired. It still seems to me that it's 2 1/2 months ago, like almost none of the time has passed. It's hard to remember much of anything.

It's disorienting and very frustrating. You watch as it seems that everyone else is living their lives and life is just passing you by as you are stuck.

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Trusted Contributor

I had a fall (actually fell off a stonewall unto an asphalt driveway and suffered a bad concussion and several broken bones in my shoulder.  Since I was knocked out from the fall, it was delclaired a concussion, and because of the concussion I could not have any pain meds for the broken bones.  I immediately following the concussion had a balance problem.  I am now 7 months into the concussion and had a lot of PT, and I still have a balance problem, but only on my rt.side.  I too was very foggy for awhile but that has cleared and I'm beginning to realize that I might always have a balance problem.

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I received my worst head injury in my early 20’s. While playing soccer, I jumped up to head the ball and an opponent came underneath me, which flipped me so that I came down on my head. I was knocked unconscious and when I came to, everyone was around telling me, “Don’t worry, the ambulance is coming.” I had no idea why - however I had suffered a grand mal seizure when I hit the ground. 

I ended up in the hospital for 5 days, but when I came out, continued to play soccer for the next 35 years. However, several years after that incident I started getting regular DAILY headaches and also migraines several times a month. I just started a new medication which I hope will help. Over the years I have tried every medication and procedure imaginable but nothing has worked (except Excedrine and Imitrex temporarily). However, I know there are many headache/migraine sufferers who are in much worse condition than me, so I try to focus on the positive side. Hopefully this new medication will help!

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Social Butterfly

Not that I can recall.

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Trusted Contributor

I fell off a stone wall unto a paved road.  When I came to, all I saw was everything in black and white.  Eventually the colors came back  Also suffered a shoulder broke in 2 places.  Still have a slight balance problem due to the concussion.

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I was knocked unconscious while working in a coal mine in 1980. A rock fell out of the top and struck me in top of the head. I had a hard hat on but the rock still knocked me to the mine floor and knocked me out. I did not come too until they got me out of the mine. I was sent to the ER by ambulance. I spent three days in the hospital. 

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Yes I was knocked out in a bad auto accident when I lived in Texas with my family. I was rear ended by a F-150 pickup truck my Grandma on my dad's side was with me because she was living with us at the time. I went across a bridge,left lane stopped on left shoulder I remember coming to being in a accident and trying to stop the car. My seat was laying in the back seat and my dad after coming home from a errand and hearing about the wreck told me my grandma's seat was broken to. We didn't go to er I just was bruised up from the seat belt. I got hit at a dead stop because I stopped to turn left to take my grandma home from her beauty appt to get her hair done.





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I used to have a drinking problem and would blackout.  One night, I went to the bathroom blacked out.  I tripped, hit my face against a wall and broke my nose. I woke up the next morning and found a washcloth with my blood on it. I don't remember any of it. I'm lucky I didn't have a brain injury, but I shattered the bridge of my nose and had a 4 day stay after surgery.  I cannot properly blow my nose.  Happily, I'm sober now.

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I have been knocked unconcious and I don't know how long I was out. I do know that for awhile I had headaches and I didn't remember how it happened. I was in my teens and my mom, brother and me were clearing weeds out of some property that belonged to us. My doctor prescribed pain pills for the headaches that didn't last very long.


I started having seizures after being knocked unconscious in 1961 playing football.  Fortunately these were mostly controlled by medication throughout by adult life.  However after I retiredd I began to experience global amnesia.  Even with medication I am no longer able to safely drive a vehicle!

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I experienced a head injury on my way to make a presentation about HIV. I was in a hurry and didn’t want to wait on the elevator that sometimes got stuck between floors. So with four inch heels on I ran downstairs with my business cards and other educational materials in my hands. Halfway down the straits I tripped and fell head on into a brick wall at the foot of the stairs. I don’t know how long I was out but when I came to I was spread in the midst of the materials which I did not recognize at all. I did not recognize any of the items, what they were or how they were to be used. I did not even know my name on the business cards. I had no idea what the red liquid was that kept dripping onto the floor. Subsequently I was taken to ER for stitches for the gash in my forehead. Consequently I developed seizures. I refer to this accident as my “Damascus Road” experience as it changed me spiritually. 

Periodic Contributor

When I was about 47 yrs old, I got taken out by a very happy, very LARGE Bernese Mountain Dog puppy!  She was definitely too large for my inseam as she chrged between my legs and slammed me into the side of a house.  Not sure how long I was out, but I was driven to the emergency room by a friend and was immediately asked where to fax the doctor's orders to take off of work for a month... apparently I couldn't even complete sentences.  I remember how frustrated I was not being able to recall the words I wanted to use.  That eventually came back, but I do still suffer memory recall issues.

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I grew up on a farm and was bucked off a horse when I was 22 years old. I was in a hospital for two days and did not remember a thing.  Also fell off a load of hay when I was 18 and was knocked out for about an hour.  I am 74 Years old have a little memory loss but have balance problems that require the use of a walker.

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Periodic Contributor

Yes 30 years ago, I was in an abusive marriage. I walked in the door from work and was punched  in the side of my head unexpectedly. I remember seeing "stars" where it was actually my vision was blurred and I remember falling. I do not remember hitting the ground. I am clueless how long I was unconscious. 

I woke up to my 4 year old daughter screaming. She had jumped on her father's back and was attempting to pull him off me. 

He was attempting to strangle me. I only managed to gasp & tell her to lock herself in her bedroom.

She ran in her room and called the police and correctly gave them our address with explicit directions as to the location of the apartment in the building.

The police kicked in my apartment door and arrested my now EX husband.

At 4 years old she saved my life. 

Thank God I just taught her how to say her complete phone # & address. She was just starting kindergarten and was going to be riding a bus. 

I had no clue she would have to use her new skill so soon. 



Regular Contributor

YES I have. When I lived at home my step-dad was drunk, came home mad and hit me across the face in the doorway. I literally saw stars when the side of head hit the entryway part of the door. It scared me and him. I ran away from home, became amancipated and never looked back.

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Unfortunately, I've been knocked out a few times during my 66 years on this earth.


A high school baseball teammate argument was the first time. He desrevingly hit me on the side of the head so hard that it knocked me out and broke his hand. Fortunately, our coach never found out. We are good friends today.


I was knocked out a couple of times, when I used to ride **bleep**


Lastly, I was knocked out in a cave in,  when I was a miner.


Collectively, these incidents have no doubt contributed to bouts of short-term memory loss that I suffer from today.

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Honored Social Butterfly

Husband had a traumatic brain injury about a year ago. Mostly recovered, but not completely. Fell down the steps.

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